Discovering Myself

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Drew POV

I didn't want to go back to sleep. I feel so content, as if I woke up from long peaceful sleep with beautiful dream.

I looked through the window and saw the sun rising in the horizon. Its so beautiful, never saw sunrise in my life. Most of the time I even went to bed before dawn. 

After watching the most beautiful event in nature, I went upstairs and knocked on Jason's bedroom. He opened the door with worried face.

"Are you ok? Josna is fine right?" he said rushing downstairs taking his phone. I held his arm and took him to backyard.

"What's wrong Andrew" he asked worriedly

I noticed half finished beautiful painting of Josna's backyard. She would have been doing this before we came last night. I was admiring her painting when Jason almost shouted my name

"This is so beautiful isn't it? She is very talented" I said pointing at her painting

"Andrew, are you alright? What's wrong with you? please tell me before I loose my mind" he pleaded

"Call Judson, I will tell"

Now he looked at me as if I lost my mind. I simply smiled which worried him more and called Judson immediately

"Is everything ok? How is Josna doing? Did Andrew do something again?" he asked worriedly

"Everything is fine, Josna is absolutely fine and I didn't do anything" I said laughing seeing Jason's worried face and imagining Judson's

"Andrew, are you all right?" both of them screamed in unison

"Never been better bro. I want to go for counselling for my anger issues" I said calmly

"You want what? " both screamed again

"Why are you screaming, ruining the peaceful morning?" I said smiling

"I'm still sleeping , dreaming" Jason said

"Me too" Judson said

"Please stop your drama. I'm being serious" I said having enough of their drama

"Judson please take appointment with therapist " 

"When do you want to start and what days work for you?" Judson asked

"I want to start immediately, everyday and if possible weekends too?" I said

"You are serious. Aren't you?" they both asked happily

"hmm" I said

"What made you change your mind overnight" Jason asked

"Its not what, who" I said smiling

"You mean Josna" Judson asked

"Pa" I said

"Who?" they said in unison

"I guess you both are connected telepathically today speaking same words at same time" I teased

Jason had tears in his eyes, I'm sure Judson too has tears.

"Who ever it is we are happy to have you back. Even without counselling I can see change in you" Judson said with shaky voice

"Who is Pa? Is he here ?" Jason asked

I told them every detail of my conversation with pa.

"I'm sorry for hurting you both without realizing. This will never happen. I promise you will see old Andrew" I said sincerely

"She is blessing in our lives" Judson said

we both agreed.

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