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Jason POV

Josna is getting married to Henry? What's happening here? My mind is too shocked to react. I guess the same situation with Judson, even he didn't talk. The ride home was silent.

Josna was sitting in the lawn with her dad when we reached. As soon as she saw us, came running, hugged me and started to cry. I hugged back patted her head, consoling.

"I'm hurt princess, you were not this emotional yesterday seeing me after 6 months. You were with Jason 2 days back, still you missed him so much" Josna's father teased

 "I didn't know you became drama queen after I went to US dad" Josna said smiling 

"Hi Jason, Judson I'm glad to finally meet you both" he said smiling 

"Pleasure is mine Mr. Singhania" me and Judson said 

Mrs. Singhania took us inside, showed us room and asked to get fresh up and come downstairs. "We will talk later, not in front of Sachin( Josna's dad) she said before leaving 

We took shower and went downstairs, everyone was waiting. Grandpa was sleeping. We all had dinner almost silently.

After dinner Mrs. Singhania said "Sachin go to bed, you are tired taking care of the arrangements"

After everyone insisted Sachin went to bed. Mrs. Singhania left saying you can talk in lawn freely/

Four of us went to lawn and sat in chairs. Henry explained the situation, astrologer warning, Josna's marriage with Rishabh.

"He came up this idea" Jo said looking down

"It's the best solution in the present situation" Judson said 

We sat silently after that not knowing what to talk. After sometime we noticed Josna sleeping in the chair.

"She is physically and emotionally exhausted" saying that Henry carried her in bridal style inside home.

I could clearly see love and concern in Henry's eyes. It's hard to believe that he met Jo 3 days back. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking" Judson asked bringing me out of my thoughts 

"Hmm, let's wait and see what's written in their fate. For now getting them married is important. We should go with the story, I hope they both don't get hurt" i said 

Judson nodded

We went to bed, big day tomorrow.

"Good morning boys" I heard Pa's voice and opened my eyes to see Pa. I saw him in FaceTime several times but this is the first time I'm meeting in person

"Good morning Pa" me and Judson said

"Actually it's noon, sorry I slept last night. Doctors prescribed tons of medications, It's boring and tiring to take them" he said smiling

"How is your health" Judson asked

"I guess I'm aging, my body is unable to take shocking news" he said sadly

Drew's death affected him so much, he loves Drew as his own grandson.

"You get ready and come for brunch" he continued and went when we couldn't say anything 

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