Christi's Accident

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Henry's POV 

I'm unable to find Drew's murderer or get evidence against Kathy. I didn't find anyone with motive or someone with grudges on Drew. He got into trouble many times past 2 years but they were not big fights that they go to the extent of killing.

I'm 100% sure someone is behind us. Christi's accident (almost happened) is example


Christi was going to hospital. When she started the car, Judson's intuition told him something is wrong, immediately he ran behind her car to stop. Her brakes failed. She got lucky that she didn't even crossed the Speed limit 10. She hit the tree to stop the car. She was unscathed.

I can't imagine what would have happened if Judson didn't stop her. He thanked Jo and said she is the reason Christi and his baby are alive. We didn't understand.

He said, 'Christi was wearing the bracelet Jo gave ( Jo gifted Christi when she came from India with Henry after marriage. It's special with 9 astrological stones believed to protect the one who wears).

The brightness of the stone blinded Judson and he looked away and noticed the number plate on Christi's car, it has number 2. Shlok's warning about number 2 not good for his family came to his mind. That's why he wanted to stop the car.

End of Flashback

I increased security around everyone without their knowledge.

I finished all the formalities regarding Jason's company back to him. I have full trust in the employees there so no trouble for him. Jason wanted to work in our company till we find culprit but I didn't agree. It's better if we both could concentrate on our own company so that no one could take advantage in future as it happened now during transfer. He couldn't disagree

Kathy seems to be around Jo all the time suspiciously. She acts carefully when I'm around. Since we didn't disclose our marriage, I had to act distant with Jo personally which is so hard for me especially when she is sick most of the time. She is in her second trimester but has severe morning sickness. I don't know why it's called morning sickness since she is throwing up whole day. She is not gaining weight since she is unable to hold much food in her system but doctor said baby is growing healthy.

Shlok warned Jo not to reveal about her pregnancy to anyone till the end of second trimester otherwise it's not safe for the baby and Jo. We all took his warning seriously. Even in Jo's family no one knows except her parents and Pa.

My relationship with Jo is improving with each day. She miserably fails hiding her feelings. I love to tease her.

Jo started eating chicken. Every time I eat chicken she used to look as if she wanted to eat. I remembered Christi telling weird cravings during pregnancy. It took a lot of persuasion to make Jo eat chicken. I had to tell her baby wants to eat.

We completed both the projects successfully. Mr. Kingsmen gave us the hotel as wedding gift. We both refused politely but he insisted.

Jo's baby bump is not evident yet but I could see. Mom sent dresses to Jo that hide her baby bump. Mom is beyond words when it comes to fashion. Mom sends fresh home made healthy sweets and snacks every week. She sends to Christi too. Christi's parents are divorced and remarried. They hardly talk to her. Christi tried to refuse politely. 

"These are healthy food woman needs during pregnancy. Judson is like my son. I want my daughter in law and grandchild healthy, please don't refuse. It's no trouble at all. Im sending to my daughter anyway, why can't I send to my daughter in law? We are family Christi" Mom scolded Christi

Christi became emotional. We all got family because of Jo. We couldn't be more thankful to her. Christi and Jo seems to be close since long but pregnancy brought them closer. I could see Jason's longing for Kathy to join them. I wish I'm wrong about her but I'm sure she is not right person.

Today is  Mr. Parkinson 75th birthday party. He is one of the greatest entrepreneurs. I'm not a big fan of parties.

"You have been away from US for long, need to increase PR here. All the CEOs of major companies will be there. This is great opportunity " Jason insisted. I couldn't refuse

I'm taking Jo with me, Kathy accompanied Jason. Judson too joined. He performed Mr. Parkinson's open heart surgery. He insisted Judson to come. Christi couldn't join

Jo wore peach dress the boutique owner gifted. It's beautiful. Simple  diamond necklace and matching earrings and bracelets complimented her looks. She wears wedding chain and sindhoor in hairline but hides.

Most of the businessmen across US is here. I know most of them but it's been so long. It's good to meet them. Mr. Wesley introduced himself, he is son of dad's business partner. I know his dad, haven't met him. For some reason I didn't like this guy. Out of courtesy I'm bearing him

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