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Henry's  POV

"Sachin, you have appointment with wedding planner right, I asked him meet you in your office instead of home. I thought everyone will be home disturbing. Go. I will talk to Josna." Pa said

"Nandu, come let's go" Sachin said

"I'm tired Sachin, anyway you won't let me select anything for your daughter's wedding. What is the point in joining you? I will take rest" Mrs. singhania said smiling, her smile didn't reach her eyes

As soon as Sachin left, Josna hugged her mom and cried.

Pa put his hand on Josna's head consoling and said "This is for your good, trust me"

"Dad, Josna knows everything" Mrs.Singhania asked

"What do you mean everything" Pa asked nervously 

"Dad, don't take stress, listen calmly. Josna is pregnant. You know what happened right" Mrs. Singhania said while Josna cried harder

Pa lost balance, was about to fall down when I caught him. Made him sit in sofa. He had grave look

"Why this sudden decision Dad" 

"After you left, Shlok came. He said, Josna should have married 3 months back. Something changed in her stars, he couldn't find soon. It's already late but if she gets married in 10 days, things will be ok to some extent. Otherwise she will have lot of problems, even her life will be in danger" he said 

Who the hell is this man and why would these people believe his words?

"What do we do now dad" Mrs.Singhania asked

"Why do you believe in someone's words and arrange marriage suddenly without even consulting Josna" I asked

"I understand how you feel about this Henry. He is our family astrologist. Everything he said happened. His prediction now is the best example. According to him if Josna was married 3 months back, she would have been happy. All these things wouldn't have happened if She was married 3 months back.. Josna is pregnant now. Everyone would know about her pregnancy soon. Being pregnant without marriage is sin here. Can you imagine what happens now" he said

"Astrology is also science. It tells us the effect of stars and planets. Only few are good at this.  Believe me, Shlok is gifted. Everything he said happened. Many times he saved us by giving warning before. To our bad luck he is late in warning now" he said sadly

Though it's unbelievable, whatever he said is true.

"Dad, what do we do now? We cannot get her married to Rishab. They would know about her pregnancy. It's not hard to imagine how chaotic things would turn. Mrs. Mehta is good, loves Josna but orthodox, she would turn our lives hell. Sachin won't agree to cancel this marriage because he is scared of Josna's future. He believes Shlok as God" she said worriedly

These people are awesome. Not even once they thought about aborting which could solve all the problems.

"I don't know what to do, we have till morning. Josna go take rest we will figure out something" Pa said

"I will marry Josna, we can tell everyone we love each other, I came here to convince you all for marriage" I said but couldn't believe my own words. What did I say? marry her? 

Pa(Josna's grandfather) POV

"Who do you think you are to marry me? We love each other?" Josna screamed holding Drew's shirt.She looked furious beyond words. Why is she reacting like this? Something is bothering her.

"Nandu take Josna to her room, I will talk to Henry" I said

Nandu( Josna's mom) took Josna away.

I lead Henry to garden in the backyard. I asked him to sit in chair and sat opposite.

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