I need to talk

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Jo's POV

Drew is alive? What did I just do? I professed my love to Drew in front of Henry? How can I rectify it? Why did Drew react like that? He doesn't love me. Henry is hurt, I could see the pain in his eyes

"Sorry to disturb, I will be back" Henry said and left

'Please Henry don't leave' I tried to say but words failed to escape from my mouth. My eyes glued to the door where Henry was standing few seconds ago. Slowly my brain registered that Drew is laying on the bed. I turned to him, his eyes are closed.

"Drew, Drew, open your eyes" I tried to wake him up but he didn't respond. I was scared and called Judson immediately

He was shocked to see me here. He checked Drew and said "Drew is on heavy dose of medication, he would be sleeping"

"Drew is fine right" I asked 

"He is ok, will recover soon" Judson said 

"Did he meet with accident? Bandages on head and leg....I'm not dreaming right Judson... Drew is really with us.... " I cried... I still can't believe my eyes. 

"He is ok Jo, can take him home in few days" Judson said

"I'm so happy to see Drew alive, can't believe my own eyes. Hmmm... I  was talking to Drew.... Does he remember what I spoke when he wakes up.  You said he is on heavy dose of medication" I asked hoping he would forget our conversation 

"Can't say anything Jo... What were you talking?" He asked suspiciously 

"I thought it's Henry....."

How do I tell him? I couldn't stay there any longer. I ran out of the room. I need to speak to Henry

I called Henry, he didn't take my call. I messaged him

'Henry, please call me. We need to talk'

I don't want any misunderstandings between us, I have to tell Henry

"What happened Jo" I heard Judson's voice 

I hugged him tightly and cried. I feel I would fall down, can't stand on my own

"Get some juice to my room" he said to someone

He walked me to his room and made me lay down on hospital bed, checked my BP

"Your BP is high, calm down Jo" he said

"I need to talk to Henry... please" I begged 

"Jo, Henry would be busy next few days...he is under lot of pressure....I will explain later... try to understand Jo, it's not good time to discuss" he said

"You are not understanding, I have to speak now" I shouted 

"Ok, calm down" he said making phone call

I heard knock on the door

Someone got juice. Judson signed me to take.

I took it saying "Thank you"

"He is not picking up the call, it's ok don't worry. He is busy" Judson said 

"Take me to Henry" I pleaded

"Drink this, I will take you" he said

I gulped down the juice fast

"Let's go" I said getting up from bed

"Tell me what happened?" He asked 

"I didn't know it was Drew.... I was scared seeing him on bed with bandages....I scolded him... then....." how do I tell him 

"It's ok Jo, tell me... I can help you"

" I thought it's Henry and I said I love him and can't live without him" I cried 

"Then. Drew said I know Jo, I will never leave me again and kissed my forehead.... Henry was at the door.... he was hurt.... he left saying sorry to disturb.... he is not taking my calls Judson.... I need to talk to him" I cried

"What?" Judson shouted holding his head

"I don't know what Henry is thinking.... I need to talk to him... please take me to Henry" I pleaded 

"You don't look good Jo, sit down" Judson said 

"I'm fine,  you are  not understanding, I have to talk to Henry. Take me now or I'm going" I shouted 

I felt my head spinning... last thing I remember was Judson shouting my name 

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