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Henry's POV

Morning rays woke me up. I looked at Jo, she is sleeping peacefully looking beautiful. I can stare at her forever.

I went to restroom, came out in towel after taking shower, forgot to take dress. i was looking for my dress when I saw Jo staring at me in mirror. When I turned she looked away blushing

 When I turned she looked away blushing

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I went near her bed

"I'm all yours love, you can stare as much as you want. No need to be embarrassed"

She ran to bathroom

I saw message from Jason "I'm going back home, something came up"

Immediately I went to their room, it was empty. I tried calling him, his phone was switched off even Judson's was switched off. I went downstairs.

"Good morning Henry. Woke up so early?" mom said smiling

"Mom, where is Jason and Judson?"

"What's wrong? They will be in their room" mom said worriedly

"They went to back to US last night" Pa said coming out from his room

"Why? what happened Pa?" I asked

"Around midnight Jason and Judson came to my room"


Pa's POV

"Pa, I have to return immediately. We have problem in the company. If I don't resolve immediately  I can't even imagine what happens " Jason said

"I will arrange flight" 

I called Ashish and asked to arrange flight immediately

"Talk to Henry and Jo" I said

"No Pa, they will know tomorrow anyway. I will go see the situation and call. They just got married and Jo is already too tired" Jason said

"I know you are already burdened handling everything since Drew's loss. It would be better if you talk to them" I said

I got call from Ashish

"your flight is in 1 and half hour. you can start in 45 minutes, be ready" I said

End of Flashback

"Raju dropped them at airport" Pa said

"I need to go Pa, he needs me" I said

"Who went where" Jo asked descending the stairs

"Jason and Judson left" Pa said

"What's wrong? How can they leave without telling" Jo asked

"There is some problem in the company,They didn't want to disturb you both" Pa said

"Arrange flight immediately Pa" Jo said

"You take rest Jo, you are already tired. I will take care of everything" I said

"You have no idea about any of the projects. I was handling most of them. Jason needs me not you. Do you think I can take rest when there is problem? I'm not dying, I'm just...." Jo said angrily

"Jo, Is this how you talk" mom shouted stopping her from revealing her pregnancy in front of dad

"Its ok mom, she is right" 

"I will leave immediately, will mail reports, Jo can work from here" I said

"Come with me" Jo dragged me to garden

"You said we can start being friends, lets help each other. If you want to be my friend take me with you right away" she said stubbornly 

"ok" I said extending my hands. She took my hands smiling

"Stubborn princess" I whispered

"I heard it" she complained

"I know, just called your name" I said looking at her

She stomped her foot and went inside home

"Your flight is at 11am" Pa said

"Good that you didn't unpack your bags. Have breakfast" mom said 

We had breakfast in silence. Jo went to her room. Dad left to his room to get ready

Mom hugged me and cried

"Mom, don't worry I will take care of Jo and my baby. They are my life" I said

"I know you will take care Henry, I don't have any doubt. Jo is very lucky to have you" mom said

"Nandu, don't worry everything will be fine" Pa said

Around 9:30 we were ready to leave to airport

Jo asked them not to come to airport as it would be hard to go

Everyone was crying

"Dad, don't worry we will come soon. I will open our branch in India and will split my time here and US" I said

dad thanked me.

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