Identical but Different

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Henry's POV 

"I love art, didn't know my wife is an amazing artist. Why aren't you painting?" I was surprised to know she paints and her paintings are so impressive.

"After Drew left to Australia I was depressed. He didn't even take my calls. I went crazy, worked day and night. I was angry with Drew...I thought he was angry with me..."

I remembered Judson tell that she was in depression 

"I have never been to cold places, never saw snow. My family took me to vacation to different countries but not where it's cold and snowing. They believe it's not good for me because Shlok bhai told so. He is very good astrologist.

I didn't tell I was going to Canada. That's the first time I hid something from my family. I know they wouldn't let me. I made Drew to hide from Pa. He didn't even ask me the reason.

When we went to Canada, weather was bad. I wanted to do skiing. Drew said no, promised he would take some other time. He never says no even when I want to do crazy things. That was the first time. I was adamant, he begged me not to but I didn't listen. I cried and he couldn't refuse. I should have listened to him, understand it's not good time. My fault.

I thought I wouldn't get chance. I would have told my family later about Canada trip and they would never let me go again. Pa would warn Drew about my horoscope and he would never take me" she said guiltily 

What she did is not big mistake. Frankly speaking normal people does that in day today life, lying, hiding things from family. We four did so many things. We lie a lot, of course never hurt anyone.

Who would think going to Canada and skiing could cost her life.

I lost control, fell from the cliff... I got hurt, couldn't move my hands and legs, got buried in started snowing heavily... there is no way anyone could find me anytime soon... I thought I was going to die..."

I couldn't bear the picture. Seeing her in front of me, safe calmed me. I hugged her to believe this is reality. I couldn't get her dying picture out of my mind

"Jo, it's ok ... you don't have to think about it..." i said. She doesn't have to remember those horrible moments. 

"I never spoke to anyone about this, no one asked... it was nightmare... please hear me..."

"I remembered my family, my whole life... then first time I met Drew in flight. I didn't know it was you. I got flashes of our first meeting before I lost consciousness. Your eyes were the last thing I remembered"

I smiled remembering mom telling, Jo spoke so much about my eyes. She likes my eyes. I thank god for giving me these eyes

"When they got me to hospital, my condition was critical. No one thought I would survive. I woke up in hospital after 5 days. Doctor said, it was miracle that I survived. He was surprised how I survived after buried in snow for hours and without medical help whole night."

I remembered Judson say, 'it's a miracle Jo  survived and the miracle is Drew. His determination to save her kept her alive.

"Drew hardly spoke to me, I didn't even see him much. I was sleeping most of the time because of medication. Im scared of needles and hospitals but at that time, it didn't bother me even though I was connected to needles and tubes and bandaged. Only thing that scared me was Drew hating me.

Judson kept saying, Drew can never hate me but it didn't calm me. How could  I believe when Drew refused to see me or talk to me?"

I remembered what Judson told in the hospital, the day we found Jo is pregnant...Drew stayed with her all the time she is unconscious and leaving when she is conscious. 

"After We returned to US, Drew arranged personal maid for me and went to Australia, never spoke to me. I didn't know what happened and why Drew left me"

They both suffered so much without their mistake. God is cruel.

"Only Pa knew that I went to Canada, I asked him not to tell my parents. He wanted to come but I asked him not to otherwise my parents would know. I was scared they would take me home and would never let me come back. 

I didn't want to go back without settling things with Drew. I worked day and night to cope up. Judson and Jason were scared seeing me. Judson thought I need therapy. He would have asked Pa to take me home. Mom came, at that point I thought I couldn't handle myself. I was ready to go. I overheard Jason tell about Drew's death.

It was too much for me. Then I saw you, I thought it's Drew. I know he has brother, never thought identical twin brother. He never told me.

I fainted after meeting you again. When I woke up, mom said I'm pregnant. I was shocked, I didn't even kiss anyone Henry..."

For a girl who didn't even kiss any man, finding pregnant would be shocker. I never thought what she would have gone through... I can't even imagine how she felt

I kissed her forehead and stayed like that

"That day mom asked me if Drew is the father? I had no answer...My brain couldn't process that I'm pregnant. So many thoughts came to me... I got my answers too that day, why Drew went away. I realized how much guilt he was feeling. I didn't know he suffered more than me. 

I couldn't even think how I got pregnant..."

"It's ok" I rubbed her back consoling 

I didn't even know what to say, all the pain she experienced 

"No one spoke to me about Drew after that day" she

"You both look identical but your face never reminded me of Drew. I feel like you are totally different person. I don't know why" she said 

"I'm very thankful for that. Only few people feel that way. Most of our childhood friends can't even differentiate" i said. It's amazing how she could differentiate. After Drew returned, she never got confused between us.

"Probably how I feel around Drew is different from how I feel with you" she said 

"How do you feel with Drew?" I asked

"Very comfortable" she said immediately 

"You are not comfortable with me" I asked. I know how she feels but I want to hear from her

"No, that's not what I mean" 

"Then what"

"I don't know"

"I got it, you are not comfortable with me" it's easy to tease her

"No, that's not what I mean... how to put in words?"

She thought for a while

"Do you remember our talk this afternoon, how I stepped on glass piece and got hurt" she asked 

I nodded

"Drew carried me to my bedroom. That was the first time someone ever held me apart from my family. I didn't feel different from the way I felt around with my family but when you hold me I feel different" she said shyly

That made my heart perform salsa dance. That's what I'm dying to hear, her feelings for me. I decided to tease her more

"Feel different, how" I asked 

I know how she feels, her body reactions say everything 

She blushed

"I'm waiting Jo, how you feel?"

"You know how I feel, I don't need to tell" she said 

"I don't know " I said putting innocent face

" You let me know how I feel when you come close to me on our first night. So you know better than me" she said 

My wife maybe innocent but the smartest woman I have ever met, knows how to answer.

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