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Henry's POV 

I messaged Judson to meet me in study 

"Jo is fine, sleeping. Don't worry" he said

"I went to our room. Her legs are still swollen, not as bad as before" 

"It's common in pregnancy and Jo has pre eclemsia... she didn't take rest today, busy shipping Jason and Jess together... I never thought he could love and marry anyone. Jo can convince anyone.... but" he looked at me angrily 

"But you, don't know which planet you came from..." he said angrily 

"In two days it's Travis trial, he will get punished.  Next day I will tell Drew everything" I said

"Really?" He asked

"Jo spoke to me about everything that happened in Canada and what she went through after that.... I never thought about it... anyone would have broken completely... she pulled back, I'm so proud of her.

She confessed her feelings...She told, my face never reminded me of Drew's though we are identical twins because how she feels around Drew is different from me...."

He hugged me

"I'm so happy... didn't think this day could get any better" he said excitedly 

"Did you confess your feelings?" He asked 

"I..." I didn't, she poured her heart and I... 

"Today, when I told Jo, 'Henry loves you' , she said,'He never told me'. How can you be so insensitive?" He scolded 

"I knew Jo was stressed but today I learnt how painful it was for her emotionally. I was overwhelmed. Then she showed me the painting she made when we went to was... I can't even describe how I felt seeing it... it looked so real, me Jo and our baby...

I didn't find words seeing it... then Drew came" I said 

"I would love to see that... tell her how you feel. You planned to propose her before finding Drew is alive, do it now" he said 

"I will, after telling Drew everything..."

"What do you want to tell me?" It's Drew

"Thank you" i said hugging him. He is the reason Jo is alive today and my baby too but I'm not ready to tell him that

"Henry, what's wrong? Why are you crying ? Did something happen" Drew asked 

"Happy tears" I said

"I'm happy to see you happy. Let's celebrate" he said 

"Ice cream" i said 

He laughed

"After Jo came we celebrate with ice creams. We used to drink whole night talking before" he said 

She said it's ok but we know in her family they don't get alcohol into their homes. We drink occasionally in farm house

"Let's go grab some ice cream from Jo's store" Judson said 

I got a big freezer filled with all flavors of ice creams. We call it Jo's store

We sat outside eating ice cream, talking like in old days

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