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Jo's POV 

"Were you seriously jealous this morning about Hrithik" I asked

"No way,  why would I be? Why are there that many photos of him in your phone" he asked

"You are jealous... I'm big fan of him, obviously I will have his photos" I said

He looked angrily

"You look cute when you are jealous.  By the way I was born in the same year his first movie as hero released" I said

"Really? He is old" he said excitedly

"Hmm... he is very good dancer too. One of the first movies I watched that I remembered was his. That was doom 2 movie. He is so handsome  with his God like body and not to forget his dance. You know how much I like dance" I said

"I have better body than him" he said

"No way" I said

He got up from the bed and took his shirt off.

My husband has the most beautiful body I have seen., his muscles... wow... not to forget his height 6'5" and eyes,  ocean blue color... anyone would drown looking into his eyes.

"See you can't take your eyes off me, accept your husband has sexy body" he said smirking 

I realized I have been staring at him

"No way" I said

"Really?" He said coming near me

What do I do? My heart is beating so fast that even Henry could hear it. 

His phone rang


"What the hell are you saying Nexon? How is it possible?" Henry shouted 

I think there is some problem in the company 


"I'm coming" he said 

"Jo I need to go, take rest" he said

"Something wrong in the company" I asked

"You don't worry I will take care" he said

"Tell me what happened otherwise I will be more stressed thinking worst" I said

"Jason's company got legal notice of tax fraud. I don't know how that happened. There is no chance of that. I will go and check. Don't stress yourself, we didn't do any wrong" he assured me

I nodded. He changed into suit and went to office 

Why are we facing problems all the time. I feel bad for Henry. I know he is capable of solving it but  how much stress can he take? He is human after all. 

I called Mr. Bonnet, owner of the boutique I helped, if he could make one chudidar for me by evening and two more by tomorrow. Luckily he agreed to make. I sent measurements 

I have all designer heavy party wear chudidars. I can't wear them whole day at home. I have to wear chudidars to hide my pregnancy from Drew. I know it won't help long but I want to postpone as much as I can

Mom would be sleeping so I messaged her to send simple daily  home wear wear loose fitting  chudidars. It would take at least two days. Till then I will manage with Mr. Bonnet's ones. 

My pain subsided. I'm hungry, came downstairs to fill my stomach. Christi will be coming tomorrow, she went to some important conference.

I called Jason, he is with Drew. He didn't know about the issue in his office. Henry takes all the burden on himself. He so selfless, doesn't want to worry anyone. I love him so much.

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