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This is the worst flight  journey I ever had. Jo was very sick. She couldn't eat properly and whatever the little food she had, she threw up. It scared me.

"I'm fine, it's just morning sickness very common in pregnancy. I'm having since 3 weeks but didn't realize. I thought it's because of stress...." She said trying to comfort me, probably seeing my worry 

"Didn't doctor prescribe medicine" I asked 

"Yes but I forgot in hurry" she said 

"That's why I asked you not to come. You have everyone there to look after you. You are tired with wedding ceremonies and traveling 18 hours immediately is not good" I scolded her

"I know you will take care of me" she said making me speechless 

She looked disappointed when I didn't say anything. I wanted to tell her how happy her words made me. She trusts me. Words failed to escape from my mouth 

She slept after that. 

Jason picked us from airport 

"What happened?" I asked 

"Someone changed the plans of orphanage project and SK 5 star hotel project. Supervisors and engineers of both projects are absconding. There is no fault from the contractors. They mentioned the problems too but these people managed to not get to our notice" Jason explained 

"How bad is it" I asked

"Someone tipped the government and SK group that we are doing fraud. There is going to be enquiry from government and SK group CEO is going to come next week to check. The damage is extensive. They would sue us. Financially it would be major loss if they remove us from these projects and our reputation is at stake. No one would trust us if that happens. I'm unable to understand what can be done. I'm sorry" Jason said in tears

"Jason we have faced worst situation personally, we can overcome this situation. We will get to the bottom of this and correct" I consoled 

"Problem is we don't have time" Jason said 

"Where did it go wrong? I was in charge of these 2 projects till 2 months ago. They couldn't make major structural changes" Jo asked 

I'm not an architect. Drew, Jason and me did MBA. Pa told many times that at least one of us should have done structural engineering since ours is construction company. I wish we could have listened to him. I'm glad Jo is here. 

"I have no idea Jo, everyone involved in this project is absconding. I left Kathy in charge after you left the projects. I couldn't attend any of the meetings too. She managed all the projects these 2 months, She couldn't have figured out as her plate was already full" Jason said

"If she was busy why did you give her these tasks?" I asked 

"I trust her" Jason defended

Why the hell he trust someone giving access to everything. I was about to scold Jason when Jo said 

"Kathy is Jason's girlfriend"

I couldn't say anything.

"I will have everything emailed to you" Jason said to Jo

We were silent.

Someone found perfect timing. I'm shifting from Europe permanently, Jason is transferring the responsibilities of H&H company to me and I'm transferring Jason's back to him. We both couldn't concentrate much on projects. Nexon is taking good care of all the projects of Jason's company. There is no issue there. The mole is in my company. The sad thing is I have no idea what's going on in my own company for almost 2 years. It's clear that someone intentionally trying to destroy us. 

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