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Jo's  POV 

I always felt attraction towards Henry. I fell deeply in love with him in these few months. How can anyone be so caring? He truly feels this baby is his which made me love him more. I try to hide my feelings so hard. I'm scared that he wouldn't reciprocate my feelings. 

When Henry said he saw me at the airport in London few months back, I was shocked. I thought it was Drew. He didn't have clue about our first meet. I thought because of his bad memory. Now everything makes sense. I was attracted to Henry on our first meet. I never felt that way with Drew. My heart has no control over my feelings with Henry.

I decided not to hide my feelings anymore. I want to tell Henry that I'm ready to accept our relationship wholeheartedly. How do I tell him? I felt shy.

I asked Henry to sleep with me on my bed. I was shaken after the incident with Travis but I'm not scared to sleep alone. Why would I be scared when Henry is there.

Henry laid on far end of the bed, I went near him and slept on his chest snuggling into him. I felt so happy when he wrapped his arm around me.

Morning when I woke up, I knew Henry was pretending to sleep. I'm an early bird, I stare at sleeping Henry shamelessly before starting my day. So I knew he is pretending. 

I kissed his forehead to show my love. When I came after taking shower, I could see Henry staring at me through mirror. I felt so happy.

I wished him good morning. When he called me Josna I was angry with him. He calls me Love, Wifey, Jo all the time except in office and around Kathy. Why is he calling me formally when I'm  being nice to him like a wife? Does he not like me?

I went to Ferdu's home to escape from him and to express my anger. I was with Ferdu only physically, my mind and heart was with Henry. 

I got call from Henry asking me to come home, it's urgent. Immediately I went home. Living room was empty. I went bedroom. There was a gift and a note.

Hey Love,

I was so lost watching you this morning that I didn't realize l called you Josna which hurt you. Whatever I call, my love for you is same. It's your fault, who asked you to be so beautiful. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I want to take you on date. It's a surprise. Mike will pick you, I will be waiting for you. Be ready by 6pm.

See you love

I was literally flying seeing the letter. There was pastel green dress and diamond set. I took shower and wore the dress and diamond set.

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