My Fault

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Henry's POV 

We reached home in silence. I stopped Jo when She was going to our bedroom.

"Let her take rest, we will talk tomorrow" Jason said

"No Jason, I want to sort everything today itself, I have been looking for something, today I got my answers" i said

"Jo, I know it's hard for you but please tell what exactly happened, I need to know. It is very important. It's over, don't get panicked, see I'm with you now" I said holding her hand

Jo looked at me. I held her hugging and sat next to her to support.

"I was feeling nauseated, so I went to restroom. It was empty. After throwing up I was washing my face, I felt someone behind me. When I looked it was Travis. I was shocked to see him"


Travis: long time baby( Smiling evilly )

Jo: how dare you

Travis: I thought you are innocent and planned to take your V card but you are not so innocent ( holding Jo by shoulders)

Jo tried to push him shouting

Travis: don't you dare to escape. Last time you escaped because I thought you are weak, not this time Bebe. If you try I will kill it( holding Jo's stomach

Jo : arrre you saying ( stammering)

Travis : don't act so innocent, I know you are pregnant. First Drew, then Henry. You are very smart. Cooperate , let's have fun. If you resist I will kick your stomach so hard that the fetus will be out( trying to kiss)

Jo was crying miserably

Jo : please leave me

Travis : I can't wait to have you. Missed the first chance, not anymore

That's when Jo noticed pepper spray in her opened handbag on vanity. She quickly grabbed and sprayed in Travis eyes. He left her yelling, rubbing his eyes.

Jo took the chance, kicked him very hard and ran away

End of Flashback

My blood boiled hearing what happened but I felt satisfied knowing how Jo defended. He knew about her pregnancy, her baby bump is not evident yet. She is wearing loose clothing to hide. How did he knew?

"No one knows about your pregnancy, how did Travis knew" I asked Jo

"I never told anyone except Kathy, sorry" Jo said

"How can you be so careless? Shlok clearly warned not to reveal about pregnancy, you know better not to disobey his warning" I shouted. She told the person who shouldn't know

"2 days back I was dizzy, my handbag slipped from hands. My prenatal vitamins and nausea medicine fell down. Kathy was there, I couldn't lie when she asked" Jo cried

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. It's not your fault" I hugged Jo. I shouldn't have yelled at her.

"It's just Kathy, how did Travis knew" Jason said doubtfully

"Jason, I learnt few things today. I'm scared of loosing you by revealing but things would get worse if you don't know" I said

"Do you think Kathy is involved?" he asked

I nodded no

Jason sighed in relief

" I don't doubt, I know for sure"

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