Kathy's Reality

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Kathy's POV 

How did everything resolved even after extensive damage done deliberately.  I executed my plan perfectly. Josna became weak emotionally after Anderson left to Australia. I don't know the reason but I know something happened between Josna and Anderson and he is not talking to her. I tried hard to know but no one told. Even my emotional blackmail didn't work.

Taking advantage of this situation, I targeted Jo, blaming her every chance I got about Anderson leaving us. Everyone defended her but I acted unconvinced and blamed her so that she wouldn't concentrate on work and leave forever to India. 

She is too perfect, nothing affects her work. Moreover she started doing overtime to cope up and gave 200% results which added to my fury. 

I convinced Jason that Jo is working too much and spoiling her health. Everyone could see she is depressed, eating weird, throwing up and shouting for silly things.

 It was easy to convince Jason to remove Josna from these projects saying she has lot on her plate including COO role and is copping with Anderson's departure. These are prestigious projects, that's the reason I decided to mess up and damage the reputation and the company can go bankrupt.

I executed my plan as soon as Jo went to India. Jason too went to NewYork. Everything was going in my favor. I tipped the government and SK group about fraud with proofs. Made sure Jason was not aware of the problem till last minute. I informed and went to Boston, mom's heart attack drama. Of course no body can find its fake since I managed all the reports.

I fooled Jason with my drama. He is easy to play with. I was waiting for Jason's call, crying about the downfall of the company. Today I got call from him saying excitedly "Everything is resolved, Jo managed everything". Of course that bitch could do anything. What and how did she Do? She is one talented bitch which I can't digest.

I booked the flight and came immediately to see what's happening. 

Judson picked me from airport and took me to his home after I fresh up.

Christi is pregnant. Why do I have to hear all bad news. I don't like her. She supports Josna always. They think they know everything and are perfect. Of course they are, well educated, talented, beautiful, kind, compassionate and what not. I'm no one compared to them which I can't digest.

I'm back acting happy lovey dovey. We were chatting, I was shocked to see Anderson. How is it possible? He is dead

Jason introduced him as Henry, Anderson's twin brother which I'm not aware of. I should fill his brain with negative things about Josna  otherwise everything slips from hands. Already he would have great opinion about her for saving his company.

So I tried using Anderson card but Henry is hard nut to crack, very intimidating. I can see he already admires that bitch and kind of warned me.

The way he said  "It's not office hours, you are my friend's girlfriend here. We will surely have a long discussion about the problem tomorrow. Let's enjoy the evening" scared me

I escaped as soon as I had dinner, need to be prepared, he is going to interrogate me. One slip, he would throw me to sharks. I can see he is not soft as the rest

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