Chapter 30

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Skylar's POV

It's been nearly 2 years since I ended it with Niall. I felt like an awful person doing it, and when I wrote that letter to him, I wanted to cry of shame because I hated myself for hurting such a perfect person.

I graduated from Carleton University with a degree in journalism, and I had been meeting with celebrity agents for the past few weeks, trying to get a job being their personal writer. 

But that wasn't the only reason I was in England.

I had some ties to fix. Some hurt feelings to solve. To reconcile with those whom I haven't spoken with in years.

I am now 22 years old. Niall, Liam, and Zayn would all be the same age as myself, Harry one year younger, and Louis at 24.

When the announcement came stating that we had landed in London, I steeled myself for the hard and painful journey back to the boys. I got off the plane with my suitcases and waited patiently in baggage claim, rehearsing the scene in my head.

I felt a little nervous. What if they were mad?

I couldn't blame them at all if they were.

Suitcases began to fill the baggage claim. I spotted the three of my suitcases, took the elevator out to the pickup area, and hailed the first cab I saw.

On the taxi ride through the streets of London, it was an astonishing sight. Citizens of London and tourists crowded the streets, despite the grey skies, wet streets, and rainy weather.

"Here is your stop," the driver told me, I handed him a 20-pound note, retrived my suitcases, and thanked him. I pulled the suitcases up to the front porch, and knocked on the door quietly.

The door flew open. A boy stood in front of me, his brown eyes shining and his lips stretched into a wild smile.

"You're back," he breathed. I hesitated. Was he mad?

It didn't seem like he was, so I hugged him. "Good to see you, Liam."

"SKYLAR YOU'RE BACK!" Louis Tomlinson flung himself at me.

"Hey," I said, staggering slightly. "How you doing?"

"It's great to see you," Harry and Zayn chorused from the couch, and set their PS3 remotes down to come and hug me..

I smiled. "Likewise." Then I glanced around the room, my smile fading. "Uh, where's Niall?"

"He's out," Harry said, tensing.

"Uh, okay," I said, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

"So, let's get you some tea," Louis yelled. "How was school?"

"It was fun," I said, smiling. "I'm all done with it now."

"Excellent," Zayn said. "You told Niall in your letter you went to a small town in Canada. Whereabouts?"

I laughed. "I lied. I actually studied in Ottawa, at Carleton University."

"You tricky little Irish-lady," Harry said, shaking his head, causing curls to bounce all over the place.

I smiled. "I had to make sure none of you would come after me."

"We wouldn't have," Zayn admitted. "You sounded, according to your letter, dead serious about finishing school, and especially if your parents were involved, we couldn't have done anything to change your mind."

I swallowed, guilt washing over me once again. "Are you guys still mad?" I asked softly. "I'm really sorry I left."

"We've forgiven you," Liam assured me. "You had made your decision, and we respected it. And although we were mad, we were more upset about the fact that Niall was crushed when you left."

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