Chapter 53

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Definition: Third Person omniscience is a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story, as opposed to third person limited , which adheres (sticks) closely to one character's perspective (but still refers to that character as she, he, her, him, etc.)

Omniscient POV 

Days passed. Eventually, it was deemed 'improper' to have Skylar Abbott remain in Toronto. But where to bring her next? It was not as if she could bring herself someplace else. She was in dire need of transportation.

"We cannot hold Ms. Abbott here any longer," the hospital staff told One Direction, Eleanor, and Ashlyn apologetically.

"That's total nonsense," Ashlyn grumbled.

"Where do you suggest we bring her then?" Liam asked, seeming to grow frustrated.

"We are thinking of another hospital, of course, one that has a lot more room," a nurse spoke up.

"Yes, we understand that," Niall said, trying not to break into tears at the thought of moving his best friend. "But do you have a suggestion, or are we figuring this out by ourselves?"

"We see your dilemna," a doctor said. "Where is she most needed now?"

"She needs to be with her family," Harry said. "I'd say Ireland is our next best option."

"I agree," Zayn said. "Mullingar. Niall, where's the best hospital there?"

Niall hesitated. Then, he spoke: "I would say the Midland Regional Hospital. It's the only one there, unless you're thinking of sending her to a psychiatric ward."

"Oh, not at all," the doctor assured them. "She is in need of a private place to stay. I'll call and make arrangements. In the meantime, I suggest you prepare yourselves for her arrival there."

"How are we to arrange transporation for her belongings?" Louis asked.

The doctor shrugged. "That, I'm afraid, you'll need to do on your own."

"It's not hard," Eleanor said. "She came with only two suitcases. And I'm sure the boys would have no trouble eating up the rest of the food in the fridge."

Normally, Niall would've leapt for joy at the thought of food, but he remained silent.

"How soon will she be transported?" Ashlyn asked.

"As soon as the hospital can get word to me over when they can take her," the doctor replied.

"So in other words," Harry said. "We should start packing as soon as possible."

"I can get Paul to arrange a jet," Liam said. 

"A private one?" Louis asked. "Easier."

"Not easier to arrange, but I'll try," Liam sighed, walking out of the room.

"We'll head over to Sky's place to start packing," Eleanor said, indicating her and Ashlyn. 

"I'll come too," Zayn said. "And Lou and Nialler. We have to start eating."

"Can't wait," Niall said half-heartedly, with a forlorn glance to his best friend lying helplessly on the bed.

"You can come back in a little while," Harry said. "C'mon, mate, let's go."

The group left the room, along with the numerous doctors and nurses.

It was just Skylar left in the room.

Her arm began to move.

She coughed.

The door reopened and Niall came in. "Skylar..." he sighed. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. And I want you to know, I'll always be there for you," he whispered, walking up to her and stroking her hair gently.

Skylar coughed again, and Niall shot up, astonished, but too shocked to cry for help. He stared at her in wonder.

"I love you, Niall," she choked out.

Then she was still.

Niall stood there, gaping at her. "Skylar?" he gasped, and frantically went to check her pulse. It was beating. But there was once again, no sign of life.

He pressed the CALL button and the doctor ran into the room. "What is it?" he asked.

"She--" Niall managed. "She spoke to me."

Then he collapsed on the floor.

If you guys remember correctly, the last chapter that had Skylar's POV when she was falling, she said, "I love you Niall," right before she hit something hard and blacked out.

Is it possible she was experiencing that as she was left alone in the room?

How do you think everyone else will react to Niall claiming Skylar spoke, when there is no real evidence whatsoever?

Do you think this will spark Niall's change of heart towards his best friend, end things with Tiffany?

Yeah, this is the last chapter of Change of Heart.

And I hope you enjoyed it :)

Expect the Unexpected's first chapter has been written, and will be uploaded once some edits are made.

Have a great day, and I'll post another chapter after this one as a 'response' to Niall's claims (most likely from Liam or one of the other boys), and also another chapter with a sneak peek into ETU.

Have a great day!

Love Lauren.

*This book is not over until the 'response' and sneek peek chapters have been uploaded! Those will be chapters 54 and X, just like in My Guitar Buddy* 

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