Daisies Perched Upon Your Forehead (March 1986)

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This one shot is based on the rumors of Mileven possibly reuniting in an airport & exchanging yellow flowers. Thank you to _free_butterfly_ for inspiring me to write this fun little prompt!

"Going to California with an aching in my heart,
Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes & flowers in her hair" - Led Zeppelin


Right near the Byers new home sat a land of technicolor. The green grass skirted along at ankle length and was kissed with thousands of white clovers. Blue and orange butterflies chased one another across the meadow as the birds on nearby trees chirped. It was a sacred place that had become home for one of Hawkins finest heroes.

As Jonathan made his way out into the field, his eyes immediately recognized his flannel-clad sister perched right there in the middle of it all. The sun's rays were beating on her in an enchanting way; almost like heaven was calling upon her angelic presence. Jonathan hated to disturb her in the only place she has been able to find peace, but there was something that they needed to tend to.

Meanwhile, El was in a dazed trance as her eyes peered up in wonder at the clouds above her. She admired their wispy appearance as she turned their shapes into stories within her mind. She watched as a cluster of clouds passed; a smile gracing her face as she noted that they looked like a couple holding hands. At that thought, she felt her heart ache as she yearned to be near her favorite person. She'd recently been having darkly detailed nightmares of horrors that she knew could be honest premonitions, and she wanted nothing more than to seek comfort from them within Mike's arms.

Just as a hole within her chest threatened to form, Eleven recognized rustling steps approaching her. As she sat up, a shy grin appeared on her face. A small sigh escaped her lips as she questioned, "have I been out here too long?"

"Only a few hours," Jonathan quickly replied as he sat alongside of her. He watched El pluck out a few blades of grass before taking notice of the two halo sized crowns she had woven from the nearby budding flowers. Ruffling her hair, he asked, "who'd you make the flower crowns for this time?"

A light fuchsia blush bled into her cheeks as she murmured, "sometimes I make them for you, Will or Joyce," El paused as her lower lip threatened to wobble. Looking at the watch on her wrist and thinking about the boy that once owned it, she softly admitted, "usually I make them for Mike. I've never been able to give him anything, and I know he'd really like it here."

Feeling a tug in his heart at her quiet words, Jonathan silently took ahold of her hand. He squeezed her palm as he said, "I'm sure he would love anywhere he was with you. I bet he would sit here for hours rambling to you about movies or he'd write new D&D campaigns here with your help."

"That would be nice," Eleven hummed. As bad as it seemed, she didn't want to stay on the subject too long. Missing Mike lately felt too unbearable, and she could feel her restraint against the tears building in her eyes beginning to falter. Mustering her courage, El stood up and proposed, "wanna head back home and show me some more music? We still didn't finish the Joy Division vinyl."

Declining El's requests had become nearly impossible for Jonathan. The girl had effortlessly nestled a tender spot in his heart as his baby sister, and after everything she had endured in her lifetime, he found it difficult not to give her anything she asked for. However, what she didn't know was that he had something else planned. Ever since the fated events that unfolded at Starcourt, all's Jonathan has wanted is to see the younger teen experience some joy. Cruelty had struck her too many times, so he was determined to cater light into her life.

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