Home Sweet Home (1995)

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Oh gosh, I have missed writing married Mileven, so here's a cute little one shot involving lots of Mopper + our favorite pair of soulmates.
(PSA: I did not edit this very well, but I hope you all enjoy this mindless mess of fluff)!

Getting lost was a great skill of Mike Wheeler's. He always needed some sort of guidance to navigate his way around; whether it was from the assistance of a compass or the clear tug his heart followed when his lover was near. Nevertheless, his ability to get lost was what brought him to what he felt could become home.

When he first wound up in the middle of the suburbs that were located just several minutes outside of the city, he felt unnerved. However, when his eyes landed upon the yellow home that had a sale sign plastered on the front lawn, he couldn't help but feel as though it was destiny. He tried to shake his silly urge to check out the house, but couldn't seem to fight it. And that's exactly how he ended up dragging Hopper along with him to visit the home during an open house viewing.

Mike guided Hopper around the home's hallways detailing his visions. He pointed at the living room and conjured up the image of their family photos strung along the walls that he would paint a calming shade of blue. From there, he delivered the idea of the marble colored tile that he would add for a decorative pop above the kitchen sink. Finally, he showed Hop the bedrooms. He pointed out two small rooms and eloquently elaborated the ways he could turn these spaces into a zone for the children.  And when it came to the master bedroom, he described a calming sanctuary where their love would flourish.

To him, he envisioned the place where he and El needed to be. And now that his wife was four months into her first pregnancy, he wanted them to settle in a proper space to raise their children within.

After rambling the many details he already had planned, Mike turned to Hopper and anxiously questioned, "well, what do you think?"

For a moment, the burly man was unsure what to say. His mouth hung open as the information his son-in-law had just spoken began to sink in. With a gruff chuckle, Hopper sarcastically commented, "I think you have practically already moved in. Seriously, am I missing something? Because it sounds to me like your heart is set on this."

Mike blushed slightly, "I've just thought a lot about it. This feels like a place where El and I can raise our kids. Does that seem crazy?"

Hopper shook his head and squeezed his shoulder, "it doesn't seem crazy," he paused, smirking slightly as he claimed, "it does seem like something a lovestruck man would do though."

"I am lovestruck, so that's at least true," Mike sighed as he paced around the hallway, "it feels right. I know El wants to find a home nearby, and this feels like it's the one."

A proud smile grew on Hopper's face as he examined the jittery boy. He couldn't help but feel immense pride in the life Mike strives to provide for his daughter. He really got lucky in the sense that he never has to fear about El ever experiencing any kind of heartbreak when it came to her heart eyed husband.

Hopper was lost within his thoughts, but was brought back to the present when Mike abruptly stated, "I'm being an idiot. This was a stupid idea.
Let's just go."

He watched Mike's frantic retreating steps as he unfroze, hastily following after him in hopes of stopping him. However, his eyes caught movement in the room next to him, and before he reached Mike, he chose to follow an alternative route.

"Excuse me!" Hopper called out to the realtor, continuing once he got her attention, "my son here wants to make an offer on the house. Preferably now so we can get the ball rolling. You see, his wife is pregnant and the sooner we can get them in here, the better."

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