Cosmic Punch (1987)

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Quickly wrote this oneshot to fulfill a very fun request by @DoyboyDoyle! I hope you all enjoy this little slice of Mileven!
((PS - I truly did not edit this very well, so brace yourselves for errors & please forgive me for my potential typos))

There was a cosmic vision that greeted Mike Wheeler's eyes every weekday afternoon once the final bell rang. He would force his long legs to propel him faster as he bustled through the winding hallways, nearly elbowing any body that dared to get between himself and the breathing piece of art that he lived to worship.

Each day El Hopper would be sat daintily upon the hood of her boyfriend's station wagon, carelessly counting down the seconds until he would arrive. Ever since she and the Byers returned back to Hawkins along with her once believed to be deceased father; normalcy had been difficult to find. When she first started at Hawkins High, she received echoes of curious whispers that wondered about the strange girl that came from such a seemingly cursed family. Although the prying eyes of strangers made her gut twist uncomfortably, it was Mike's warm hand that would assuringly intertwine with her own that guided her through the stormy rumor mill.

After a few weeks, the gossip surrounding the wide eyed girl faded as new realizations coated their minds. El Hopper quickly became a hot commodity amongst the small town's school as the eyes of many recognized her internal and external beauty. Her soul radiated a unique warmth that brought smiles to everyone's faces and her carefree, yet captivating appearance pulled people's hearts straight into lust.

Mike tried his best to ignore the fact that boys, and even some girls, fawned over his soulmate so outwardly. However, even though his jealous primitive thoughts buzzed occasionally, he fully understood what made them all admire her so wholesomely.

All things considered, it was one day when Mike was trying his best to steer clear of traffic in the halls so he could get to his girl quicker, that he heard a comment that cemented his feet firmly to the laminated ground.

"El Hopper always has on those ankle length skirts like some sort of nun," one jock rudely stated to a group of his friends.

Mike's fists clenched as he processed the negative statement. He then began to recall how elegantly special she appeared in her outfits. Ever since her return, she had established a fashion sense of her own. And through clothing, Mike watched El show off her true expression through style. Whether it was a quirky shirt that had trails of buttons upon the bodice that she would pair with bedazzled hip hugger jeans or a ruffled skirt, it truly didn't matter to him. She could wear the dark blue crewneck sweatshirt paired with baggy grey sweatpants and she would still look like the world's brightest living angel.

He was suddenly rattled away from his admiring thoughts when he overheard something that made his stomach churn.

"Yeah, her clothes are weird, but imagine what it would be like to get her out of them."

Another guy that was standing there in a letterman jacket chuckled, "she's so quiet. I feel like that means she's probably a loud one if you know what I mean."

A sickening crunch sang through Mike's eardrums before he even recognized that he had smacked the row of lockers beside the jocks. He took a short glance at their shocked expressions before he spat, "say one more thing about my girlfriend and I promise you won't make it to JV football practice this afternoon."

The tall blonde boy took a towering step closer to Mike as he sneered, "Mikey, you can't control what other people say, let alone think. And believe me, if only you knew what I thought of your precious El."

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