Light Up the Dark (1987)

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I've missed you all so much! I'm really sorry for my month long absence. I hope this makes up for that time I was gone and I hope you're all doing well. A special dedication to my bestfriend, the_strangest_person for always helping me find the light within the darkness. Enjoy!


The Battle of Starcourt (Summer 1985)

Coming out of being knocked out with a busted face was unpleasant. However, returning back to the land of the living and being greeted by one of your least favorite people was twice as horrifying. The disturbances that Mike was currently confronting were haunting enough on their own, but the moment he recognized she wasn't there was the exact second he actually registered feeling gruesome pain.

Mike stood up on shaky limbs and propelled past Max to get through the darkened corridors of Starcourt as fast as he possibly could. Flaming sparks ignited around the horizon of the staircases and echoed off of the shattered neon blue lights that threatened to distract him from the beast lunging near her. He desperately wanted to call out to her, but it was as though his voice had been robbed from him.

One of the Mind Flayer's lengthy tendons stretched its flesh covered claw outward and sought out his lover's body. Suddenly, El whipped around and ran in his direction. Without hesitation, he reached his arms out for her as he waited for her form to collide against his; but the odds were not in their favor. Her cold fingertips grazed his arms just as a jolt shot through her. It took Mike a matter of seconds to recognize that he was now covered in blood that belonged to her. The limb made of carcasses remained pierced through Eleven's chest as the beating in her heart proceeded to fail. And before he could even utter a word, her lips that were meant to grace his for eternity uttered out the phrase he never wished to hear again.

"Goodbye Mike."


Winter (1987)

Mike awoke with a harsh scream buried in his dry throat. Flowing tears made their way down his cheeks as he mindlessly began to move from bed. His boney fingers shook as he pulled on layers of clothing before he shoved his feet into his shoes. His mind still had not registered real conscious thoughts as he continually replayed the fabricated death that his night terror had depicted. Still moving without hesitation, he grabbed his set of keys before taking large strides across the silent town. While his brain had not awoken from the horrors it had created, his soul triumphed onward to take him to where he needed to be.

The place that Mike was hustling to remained still. The Byers were fast asleep and El's sweet snores escaped her in rapid rounds. However, ever since Hopper's return to normalcy, sleep had not been a friend of his. Sure, he managed to get enough rest to function as a person, but that didn't mean his routine was like others. Rather than curling up in bed and finding slumber at one o'clock in the morning, Hopper would rather lounge in his recliner chair binge eating snacks as he watched old reruns. He was just beginning to nod off when a set of keys jingling in the door handle caught his attention. He was alert and preparing to make a move for a weapon when the door opened up and revealed a familiar disheveled teen. Hopper went to speak, but was suddenly caught off guard by Mike's raspy explanation.

"It got her. It took her and she was gone. She didn't make it and I just stood there," he stated with a faraway stare plastered to his face.

Hopper furrowed his brows and stood up as he questioned, "what are you talking about? Kid, do you know what time it is—"

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