Live to Love You (1988)

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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well during these times. I took a step back from writing for a few weeks as work became quite hectic, but I'm glad to be back!

The lovely idea for this one shot was introduced to me from the brilliant -wackymileven- ! Enjoy!


When the human body is undergoing distress, it tends to shut itself down. The responding receptors block out the surrounding world in attempt to protect itself from experiencing more harm. An invisible blockade of walls build up around the body forming an impenetrable barrier.

El's knee bounced unmercifully as her teeth captured her lower lip. She stared at her phone, contemplating giving Mike a call once more; even though he hadn't answered her first few attempts. During the school day he had seemed distant and hard to reach. His dark eyes were hazy and his attention was unobtainable. Worse of all, rather than hanging out as usual, he produced an easy to read lie to get away from her.

Throwing all caution into the wind, Eleven slammed the phone back onto its hook in frustration. Instead of trying to ring him another time, she was going to do one better. She left a brief note for her family disclosing where she would be before pedaling at a rapid pace to her boyfriend's home. It was the week before Christmas and the roads were icy, so her travels were not without struggles. Even with her powers, El still managed to fall several times.

When she made it to the familiar suburban home, she recognized that her palms were bloodied and raw from catching herself from smacking into the concrete. She contemplated entering as usual through the heart of the home, but she figured that if he heard her arrival he would achieve an escape route.

Walking towards the basement door with anxiety meddling in her throat, El tried to push her worries deep within her as she forced entry. She wasn't surprised to find Mike there, laid out on the couch; however, she was unsettled to see tears slipping down his freckled cheeks even though his eyes were tightly shut.

Mike appeared to be so caught up within the music blaring in his headphones that he failed to hear her arrive. As El neared him though, his eyes shot open and he sat straight up. Truth be told, his body was accustom to her presence. Every time she walked into a room, the hairs on his arms would rise and his heartbeat would falter in a heavenly manner. Even without trying, he couldn't help but to have a reaction to her existence.

Quickly realizing that he was crying, Mike harshly wiped at his eyes as he stuttered, "E-El? How did you get here?"

"I used my bike," she bluntly stated before delicately sitting alongside of him. She trailed her fingertips on his forearm as she softly spoke, "is everything okay?"

A subtle huff escaped Mike's lips as he muttered, "I'm fine, it's nothing," he paused as he reflected on what she had just said before his anxious rambling became ignited, "babe, you shouldn't have biked here on your own. It's dark and icy outside. You could've gotten hurt—"

A spark of frustration lit within El's chest as she disclaimed, "that doesn't matter right now, Mike!" She looked down at her feet as tears began to prickle in her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to look at him as she quietly questioned, "is it me? Do you not want to be with me anymore?"

Pain radiated throughout Mike's heart as her broken voice and dark words loitered within the air. He rapidly shook his head as he reached out and cupped her cheeks. Once her glassy eyes met his, he assured, "I will always want you. I love you."

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