Sound and Vision (1998)

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Well, it has been quite awhile since I've gotten around to writing. This is a bit rushed and definitely poorly edited, but regardless, it was fun to write! A sincere thanks to -ohmileven — your brilliant request most definitely inspired this one shot; and your stories continue keeping me happy! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!


Light has the habit of greeting us during the darkest of times. When there's a swell of doubt that gather's within one's gut, it is often brought in by a looming tide. Sometimes, bursts of bright beams come as a critical sign. The light can serve as a warning, or even a reminder of events to come.

The sun's rays leaked through the windows on a summer morning. The clicking of the keyboard beneath Mike's fingers was the only sound and sense to be detected within the suburban home. It was quieter than usual since Hopper and Joyce had taken Willow off of the couple's hands as they finished preparing to welcome their second child. Mike was basking in tranquility as he nearly finished an entire chapter of the novel he had begun working on. Yet, as he was celebrating his work accomplishment, an unidentifiable thought weighted downward on his shoulders. The house was indeed more quiet than usual; however, it wasn't just the sound of his bashful daughter that was missing.

There was a flicker of light so fast that if he had blinked, he would have missed it. Mike's eyes followed the direction that the beam appeared to venture towards and suddenly recognized it led to where his wife laid. Although it would seem unusual to others to trust in something so incredibly superstitious, Mike had found that ignoring what seemed to be silly thoughts and visions could lead to great pain. He still thinks back to the night of El's disappearance, and harbors the grief of knowing that he had actually seen her outside of his living room window. If he had only trusted in his guttural instinct, then he could've spared them both the three hundred and fifty three days.

With a shake of his head, Mike held back his doubts and reacted to what he believed to be a sign. The sound of their creaky hardwood flooring was all his ears could acknowledge as he walked to their bedroom. And when he entered their space, he was reminded of the dangers that lie within seemingly perfect silence.

There, huddled beneath a pile of blankets, laid El. The first thing he immediately took notice of was the reflecting glimmer shining off of her porcelain cheeks. After he noted her precious tear stained face, he was able to recognize that she appeared to be biting down on the blanket, almost as if she was repressing heavy agonizing breaths.

Mike hurried and gently laid beside her. He delicately wrapped her body into his arms and cupped her cheeks. He soothingly kissed her forehead as he whispered, "I'm here, baby. Are you okay?"

El nodded quickly; however, almost as if she had no control over her poor attempt of lying, a quick sob hiccuped out from between her lips. She brought her hands down to the protruding bump of her womb in attempt to ground herself, but failed as she continued to cry. She felt her husband's lips press into the crown of her head as her back met with his chest. She could feel his lips moving against her hairline, but the only sound her ears could focus on was the beating from his heart. She wanted so desperately to listen to him and assure him that she would be fine, but the orchestrated symphony from his heavenly organ had her swept into a spell.

Finally, when a tear that did not belong to herself landed upon the tip of her nose, El became alive once more. She attempted to twist around to come face to face with her lover, but struggled immensely as her thirty eight week pregnant belly got in the way. With a huff, she craned her neck and looked at her husband.

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