Ashes to Ashes (1989)

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One of my lovely readers on AO3 that goes by the title, 'Mage,' requested I write about Mike reading the files from the lab about what was done to El during her years held captive. So naturally, I somehow managed to make this somewhat about that prompt while also throwing in a bunch of unnecessary fluff. Anyways, hope you all enjoy this!


It's the little things humans often have trouble discarding; whether it be a letter from an old lover or a stuffed animal from a beloved parent. Letting go of an object that withholds a certain memory is proven to be difficult.

For Eleven, she never had the opportunity to collect many prized possessions as a child. Currently, she could think of several items; like Rory and an old polaroid of Mike from 1984, that were impossible for her to part with. That being said, in the days leading up to her moving out from Hopper and Joyce's home, she found herself carelessly throwing out any belonging that her eyes were set upon.

"You do realize you just threw out the duvet we specifically bought for our bed at the apartment, right?" Mike questioned lightly.

With a dramatic huff, El threw herself onto her childhood bed as she muttered, "I'm so sick of packing. All of the important stuff is already sorted in safe places. Can't we go meet with the guys for lunch?"

It was challenging for Mike to deprive his girlfriend of the things she wants. Thankfully, she never asked for anything too outrageous, like for him to buy her the moon; which is something he'd likely do for her. In this specific scenario though, they were running out of days to pack. Their future was directly in front of them, and they unfortunately needed to get these tedious tasks taken care of.

Mike discarded the box he was packing before gently crawling onto the bed with her. He wrapped her tiny frame up into his arms, gently rocking her as he spoke, "baby, I know this isn't fun, but we have to get this done."

Her response was to jut out her lower lip as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. El then whispered, "what if we just lay here and forget about our responsibilities?"

Nimble fingers trailed along Eleven's backside, resulting in her blissfully shivering. Mike then lovingly pinched her thigh as he disclaimed, "I'd love to stay in bed with you forever, and as soon as we get your stuff all packed up, we can do exactly that in the bed at our apartment."

"You're cheeky," El grinned at him before kissing his lips.

Just as she moved to get up, her stomach loudly grumbled, causing her face to flush in utter embarrassment. Mike childishly giggled at the noise before hugging her closely as he proposed, "how about you go grab lunch with Lucas and Dustin and I'll have Hopper hang back here with me so we can finish packing stuff up?"

Those signature doe eyes of El's lit up in pure excitement as she nodded vigorously at his suggestion. She kissed every inch of his face as she repeated, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

Mike caught her by surprise as he plastered his lips against her's. He moved his mouth slowly in a sultry, seducing manner as his hands roamed around her waist. He soon began to smile into the kiss as a light whimper escaped from Eleven's throat. If there was one thing he was certain of, it was the fact that he would never tire of loving this magnificent woman.

A moment later, El pulled her freshly kissed lips back as she hummed, "save that for the apartment, okay?"

"You know there's plenty more of that to come," Mike assured with a sly smirk.

El then snagged a crisp twenty dollar bill from her dresser before walking towards the door. Just before she exited the home though, Mike grabbed her by the hips; keeping her frozen in place as he whispered, "I love you."

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