Power's Resurgence (1986)

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Time for another poorly edited one shot! While the editing isn't amazing, the fluff sure is. The concept of how Eleven will get her powers back has been on my mind a lot lately, so I hope you all enjoy this!


Excessive tension and pressure built behind El's eyes as she focused intently on the task she was striving to accomplish. Her arms were outstretched and her breathing became labored as her energy was sucked out of her like a sponge thirstily absorbing liquid. Her sight and focus remained trained on the Coca-Cola can that mockingly stood several feet in front of her. Her determination and frustration was so heightened that she failed to hear the door to the cabin open.

Ever since Hopper's return, he and El had resumed living as a family without skipping a beat. And while their old cabin remained in shambles a few miles away, the two of them and the Byers had purchased a new log home on the outskirts of Hawkins.

Each time Eleven found herself home alone, she would resume her practice of gaining back her powers. She had yet to make an ounce of progress, and that fact alone only ignited her urgency to work harder.

She had been keeping her training away from her family's knowledge because she knew they would berate her for trying. Time after time, the people El loved would claim that she did not need these powers to be special; and while she appreciated that, it didn't change the fact that she was set on achieving this milestone for a mission of her own.

She had done an amazing job of assuring nobody knew of her efforts to reestablish her powers. Eleven would casually lie about the blinding migraines that she suddenly received, blaming them on the change in weather. However, the truth was about to come to light as she found herself no longer home alone.

With her concentration still set upon the soda can, she startled slightly at the frantic voice that came from beside her, "El! What are you doing!?"

Mike looked over his girlfriend's eyes, recognizing the bloodshot veins that appeared throughout their golden shade. He analyzed how vulnerable she looked, and he silently kicked himself for not recognizing what she was doing to herself sooner.

As he reached forward and snatched the Coca-Cola can, Mike kindly suggested, "how about you go lay down? I'm going to recycle this and get you a snack. Eggos sound good?"

El shyly nodded before she wordlessly wandered down the hall and into her bedroom. She flopped onto her bed and quietly muttered, "stupid. Only you would manage to get caught just as you were making progress."

When Mike entered his favorite room in the house, he felt deep concern fester within him at the sight of his beloved girlfriend. Her fists were clenched tightly against her eyes and her frame was shaking as quiet cries muffled their way out of her mouth.

Setting aside the stack of frozen waffles he had prepared, Mike quickly crawled onto the bed beside her. He readjusted her position, bringing her face to rest against the hollow skin of his throat. He held onto her tightly as he rubbed the small of her back in comforting circles, shuddering as her tears began to cascade down the crook of his neck.

He gently brought her head away from him and cradled her face in his hands before asking, "what's wrong, love?"

El hiccuped slightly as she sobbed, "I-I'm trying so hard, but I'm not strong enough to bring them back! I n-need them back," she sniffled before adding, "and I was doing such a g-good job of keeping my training a secret. I-I'm sorry."

Mike furrowed his brows and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as he questioned, "sorry? What are you sorry for?"

"I didn't want to worry anyone. I know you guys think I'm special without my powers, but it's just," Eleven took a deep breathe and looked away as she stated, "the gate is still open. And I don't want it to take anyone I love again."

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