Tourniquet (1998)

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Popping in for this quick one shot to fulfill a fun request by the lovely @_mikeyboi ! This is kind of rushed, but overall a unique little bit to remind you all that I'm still writing Mileven.
PS - please answer the question at the end of this one shot! It would mean to world to me.

Separating a tethered bond is nearly impossible to do once the foundations of a relationship have been so deeply interlaced. Individual beings have the tendency to intertwine with their soulmates and combine into a singular working entity. So when one is taken away from the other, life has the likelihood of unraveling to complete chaos.

Mike and El Wheeler had been attached to one another's sides since the permanent closure of the upside down. The two had been practically living together for the past decade as it was; and since then, they had started a family. As imagined, spending time apart felt significantly harder than ever possible.

Currently swaddled within Mike's comforting arms laid the couple's two month old son. Benjamin was a peaceful child, and whenever he went through fussy fits, it seemed the nurturing hold of his parents soothed all of his sorrows.

The tall man was admiring his young son when he slightly startled in alert as two familiar arms wrapped around his waist. He sighed contently when he felt his wife's face bury in between his shoulder blades. A moment later, he felt a chill as she whispered against his spine, "I don't want to leave you."

Mike silently turned around and faced the ethereal vision that was his beautiful star. He mentally memorized the slight dimple that permanently rested within her cheek and processed the scent of her floral shampoo. He then took a step closer, nestling the baby between their bodies as he pressed a kiss upon the crown of her hair, "I don't want you to go either, but you'll only be a few hours. Besides, they need you at this meeting."

"But—" El's impending protests were silenced by a giggle. Now standing by the couple's feet, wedged directly between their legs, was their curious three year old daughter.

Willow held onto her parents and poked at them playfully as she asked, "mommy, can we have a tea party?"

Eleven reached down in lightning speed and scooped her toddler up into her arms. She bopped the girl upon the nose and said, "I have to go to a meeting, so it'll just be you, daddy, and Benny today."

Mike noted the look of utter disappointment beginning to etch upon his daughter's precious face, and before he even allowed her puppy dog eyes to appear, he chimed in, "what if you show Benny and I how to have a tea party? You could teach us how to master princess etiquette!"

A shrill squeal escaped the girl's mouth as her chestnut curls began to fly around her head. She jumped up and down before placing a kiss on her mom's hand, waving dramatically as she ran down the hall to retrieve her royal attire.

With her departure, El took a step inward to her husband and affectionately rubbed the tip of her nose against his. She stared into his loving eyes and softly proclaimed, "you're the best."

Mike managed to flush a dark shade of pink in response to her declaration as he felt his heart leap in pride. Becoming a parent was the hardest role he had ever stepped into; however, with El by his side, he felt as though he was born to raise the created combination of their love and joy.

"You're an angel," he whispered as he slowly dragged his lips against her own. His knees threatened to buckle when she grabbed the back of his neck, taking him into a proper kiss. An unsatisfied groan soon escaped his parted lips when her taste vanished, only leaving behind a notable absence of her radiant warmth. He pouted like a child in response, earning a hearty laugh from his shining wife.

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