Love, Love, Love (1991)

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Me? Posting a very rushed, unedited, & fluffy one shot? Seems on brand for me. Enjoy this mess!


There came a time in El's twenties where undiscovered insecurities lifted from beneath her subconscious. The overwhelming amount of different people she had begun meeting in her collegiate career was both thrilling and unsettling. Everyone was at various stages of their lives, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was keeping up with the progressive flow.

When she looked to her boyfriend, she saw absolute perfection. Mike was the most determined person she had ever met. Even though he encountered doubts, he still pursued his dream of becoming a writer. His work ethic and intelligence aside, Mike Wheeler also happened to be the most beautiful person in Eleven's life. She found his soul to be endearingly empathetic and his appearance was intoxicating.

El had never been familiar with doubting Mike's devotion to her. She always knew he loved her as much as she adored him; however, that's the thing with insecurities. Alls it takes is one spark to make the human mind turn itself inside out.

It happened in one of her general elective courses when El found herself caught up in chatting with a few of the girls that sat near her, thinking nothing about exchanging little information.

"So El, how long have you been with your boyfriend?" The blonde girl spoke up.

With a grin, she revealed, "I've been with Mike since we were kids. We've already been together for almost ten years."

The smile El was wearing on her face soon slipped, dropping to the ground with her dignity as the girl scoffed, "wow.. that's unusual. It's only a matter of time before he gets bored. Men are the worst. Alls it takes is one girl to walk into the picture and then it's game over."

As the group of girls easily changed the topic of conversation, Eleven's brain stayed hyper focused on that last remark. She had never even considered Mike becoming unsatisfied with their relationship. However, as a troubling fog coaxed her mind, she fixated on every imperfect thing about herself. It was like a sinister swell of thoughts were now flying around her, convincing her that she would be disposed of once her boyfriend found someone more desirable.

Throughout the remainder of the day, El was working hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape her. So when she finally entered her and Mike's vacant apartment, she crumbled. She fell to her knees in anguish, releasing deep guttural sobs.

Unintentionally, due to her emotional exhaustion, Eleven fell asleep in a heap on the living room floor. And it would be when Mike came home that all of her worries fled freely.


Nobody ever quite nailed the explanation of how stressful college courses are. After having endured long lasting lectures, it took every ounce of strength for Mike to drag himself back home.

Yet, there was always one thing that motivated him to continue forward, and that was his beloved girlfriend. God, he could never get over how lucky he had gotten. El was a goddess. Not just because she was outwardly stunning, but because she had the most captivating heart on the planet.

Even though the muscles in his face were tired, he still managed to smile as he thought about seeing her. However, the moment he walked into their apartment and saw her sprawled out uncomfortably on the floor, fear instantly struck him.

Mike threw his items to the ground and crashed down beside her. He picked her head up and gently placed it within his lap, playing with her hair as he cooed, "baby, wake up. Let me see those beautiful eyes."

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