The Anniversary Effect (1987)

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This one shot is severely unedited, but truthfully, I just wrote this as a distraction from the events unfolding in the world. So, without further ado, here's another short nightmare prompt (,:


The early months of Fall were gloriously beautiful. The sun's rays fed into the bloom of yellow chrysanthemums and the chill within the air brought upon cozy sweater weather. Yet, even all of the season's most alluring qualities couldn't cover up the past. Starting with the Fall of 1983, everyone Mike loved had endured gruesome hardships. However, there was no greater pain than remembering the day he witnessed the love of his life disappear in thin air. The hole within his chest during the three hundred fifty three days without El was haunting to recall. And even though they had reunited and conquered more since then, he still couldn't remove that event from his memory.

With the deadline for college applications on the horizon, the events of the past intermingled with these current stressors seamlessly. Everyone felt heavy, which is the exact reason El decided to call for a party sleepover.

Mike happily invited everyone over to the comforts of the familiar basement as they tried to forget all of the things that were muddling within their minds. As they sprawled out around the space, they all engaged in binge watching their favorite movies.

Somewhere between the third and fourth film of the night, everyone drifted off to sleep. While most of them remained soundly unconscious, terrors took ahold of Mike's dreams. The painted portrait of El withering away within the air before him haunted his peaceful slumber. He willed himself to awaken, but the grips of this predicament had a fierce hold over him.

The sounds of rapid breathing soon awoke El. With sleepy eyes, she peered around her to see what was going on. It didn't take her long to discover her boyfriend trembling beside her. She watched in sorrow as tears silently escaped from his closed eyelids. Not wanting to prolong this for another second, Eleven shook his shoulder as she quietly murmured, "Mike, please wake up. It's just a dream, love."

Her efforts to softly awaken him failed; however, she was seemingly loud enough to have disrupted Lucas. The boy silently made his way over to the pair and crouched down beside his best friend. He looked over to El and whispered, "let's get him upstairs."

Without another word exchanged, Lucas lifted Mike off of the cold basement ground and moved him up the flight of stairs. After a few strenuous moments, they made it to his room.

Sweat was trailing down Mike's forehead as he whimpered through his dream, "El, please don't go. I need you. Come back! El! Please!"

Not being able to stand another moment of witnessing this, El and Lucas continually shook his shoulders as they pleaded with him to awaken. The girl desperately begged him to rouse, having understood based on his wording what the nightmare was about. Just a few seconds later, as if he had ice water splashed upon him, Mike sat up in frozen shock. His abrupt movement sent El's petite body to the ground as she landed on her bottom with a thud.

"Oh my god, baby, are you okay?" Mike murmured as he crawled over to her.

A series of weak sobs escaped Eleven's mouth as she wordlessly nodded. Having mistaken her silent cries as a result of fear, Mike felt his body begin to shake. His breathing became labored as he muttered, "oh my god, I hurt you. I made you fall," his fingers wove within his hair as he tugged, "so stupid—"

Within a flash, El had scurried up from the ground and straddled upon Mike's waist. She gingerly took ahold of his hands, seizing his harsh movements as she quietly instructed to Lucas, "he's having a panic attack, please go get water and a damp washcloth."

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