Your Heart Stopped (March 1986)

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Well, hello there friends! Long time since I've written Mileven, but I needed to address the fact that El's heart literally stopped/required resuscitation twice, (that we saw), during her time at the Nina Project. And alls I could think about was how Mike would feel if he knew of that information/had to endure something like that happening in the pizza dough freezer. So anyways, here's my take on all that! Angst followed by lots of fluff!


An unsettling stillness crept into the pizza shop that had been chaotically charged with energy just seconds prior. From the flickering lights to a very vulnerable overdue declaration of love; Mike had empowered his girlfriend to fight, and it was clear that was exactly what she intended to do. El's facial features and body had relaxed as determination surged through her fatigued veins. It had seemed as though the most troubling time had passed; however, her hands soon went slack within his boney fingers as the superhero's heart ceased within her chest.

With a choked sob, Mike began to plead, "no, no, no, El! Come back, El! Please don't leave me. You can't leave me, I can't—"

His pleas were severed prematurely as Will's body yanked him aside. Mike fought against his friend's grip as he watched Jonathan place two hands over El's heart. The older teen's tears stained her white floral top from above as he compressed upon his sister's petite torso, unaware that he was vocally begging to feel the beat of her organ thump against his palms. Before he could even attempt safety breaths, a strangled pull of air cracked from Eleven's lips. Her body seized slightly before she jolted up; her usually warm hazel eyes now hauntingly surrounded by dozens of burst blood vessels.

Mike was quick to rush back to her as his fingers delicately laid against her neck, silently reassuring that her pulse was steady. Unable to keep his emotional exhaustion at bay, Mike sobbed, "n-never again. I can't come that close to losing you again."

Not even minding the mix of his tears against her cheeks, Eleven cracked an exhausted smile as she absentmindedly admitted, "'m used to it. Third time it's happened this week."

Before Mike could even question her statement, Jonathan and Will surrounded her sides. The brothers spoke in low tones, assuring she was okay with certainty before urging them to move back to the van. The two went to take ahold of her, but Mike was unwilling to separate from her. Maneuvering her arms to wrap around his shoulders, he softly placed her front against his back, holding onto her thighs that were secured around his waist as he guided her out of the building.

"Piggyback," El monotonously muttered against the top of his head, causing his stomach to flutter.

Once in the car, Mike was quick to pull off the turquoise long-sleeve shirt he'd been wearing for days as he draped it onto his girlfriend's shivering frame. After assisting her in putting it on, he couldn't keep the stupefied grin off of his face as he took in the sight of her tiny form drowning within the clothing that perfectly fit his lanky body.

It was only a few minutes into the drive when they decided to pull over at a twenty four hour diner for food and a bathroom break. Mike and El moved together like magnets, unwilling to put any separation between one another after having spent several agonizing days apart. Upon entry, the group was on the receiving end of a few questioning gazes at the sight of El's still soaked clothing. Jonathan gently suggested the couple wait in the car and that they'd bring them both waffles after they'd eaten. Complying in repressed joy, Mike and El landed in a cozy huddle, embracing in their gifted alone time.

El was focused on tracing patterns with her fingertips along Mike's chest; a subconscious effort to keep her mind off of all that she had just faced within the void. Though she soon found herself rattled away from her dissociative method by the voice that was officially proven to be her soul's soothing savior.

"How are you feeling?" Mike murmured quietly.

Resting her chin in the crook of his neck, Eleven cheekily retorted, "never better."

Chuckling at her sarcastic remark, Mike brought his fingers up to graze along the back of her bare skull as he pressed his lips to her forehead. He felt her eyelashes flutter against his skin as relaxation settled within their bones. Before either could be lulled to sleep, Mike felt the unrelenting need to bring to light a concern that he'd been harboring since they had left the pizza shop.

"Earlier when your heart stopped," his throat closed, his words like knives as he continued, "you said you were used to it. Does that mean—"

El sat herself up at the sound of his voice breaking. Slowly taking his hands within her's, thumbs rubbing aimless circles against his skin, she brought herself to admit, "the Nina project was too much for my body to handle at times. The things papa had me relive, my heart... it was too much to take in at once."

Catching onto the stress in her voice, Mike squeezed her palms as he spoke, "I'm so sorry, El. I wish I could've been there. I wish I could've prevented this from happening. If I had just—"

Unapologetically interrupting his attempt to blame himself for all that had happened, El said, "this wasn't something that could've been stopped, Mike. I tried, but it's not over. Max. I'm not sure if she's even..." her words hung in the air heavily as she wiped a stray tear from her eye before asserting, "I will need to face One again when we get to Hawkins."

A crushing weight sank into the pit of Mike's stomach as his heart ached within his sternum. He scrambled to hold onto her upper arms, grounding more-so himself rather than her, as he enforced, "you can't keep putting yourself in danger. You almost died." Realization dawned on him, a crack in the temporary dam behind his eyes now rupturing as he continued with a cry, "I love you, and I know it's selfish, but I can't lose you. You shouldn't have to continue putting yourself in danger for everyone else. You deserve to be safe and happy, El."

Catching the tears falling upon his freckled cheeks with her fingertips, Eleven whispered, "I love you, Mike," she paused, laying a fleeting kiss to his lips before she disclaimed, "but I'm going to have to try again to save our friends."

She could see he was gearing up to protest, so El placed a firm hand over his as she assured, "as long as I have you with me, I'll be okay. You aren't going to lose me."

The insecurities that were fleshed out within every dark pocket of Mike's subconscious rattled. The dreaded feeling of being useless and unworthy of any love or happiness paralyzed his core as nausea overcame him.

"You saved me that night in the rain," Eleven's voice startled Mike from his self deprecating thoughts. His eyes went wide as they met her's as she plainly stated, "it's you that gave me a home. And it's you that's really showed me what it means to love and to be loved." Pressing her cold nose against his, El's voice sounded strong with certainty as she confessed, "you're my superhero."

A warm flush heated Mike's cheeks and chest as her words coated him in armor. She was the boldest person he had ever known, and he knew better then to accept her statements as anything other than facts. His arms were quick to draw her in closer, his lips daring to crash into hers for a moment to bask in the feel of her breath mixing with his own.

"We save each other," Eleven whispered against his mouth.

Pulling back just enough so that he could fully see her, Mike murmured, "promise?"

"Promise," El pledged as she buried her head into his chest.

Their conversation fizzled out as their limbs naturally wove with one another's. Having El within his arms was something his body had been yearning for over the days they had spent separated. It was the relief of feeling her chest rise and fall against his that invited Mike into a needed rest.

Both slept in harmony knowing that there were many uncertainties that would greet them back in Hawkins. However, the two were now aware that the mutual love and protection they offered to one another was a power that would remain unstoppable. Even as the upside down plotted to emerge into their universe, the two still had time for peace.

Whatever happened, Mike and El would live to love one another for as long as their hearts stayed beating.


As always, thank you all for reading! Feel free to connect with me on all things Mileven and Stranger Things on Instagram @ eggohopper ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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