Chapter 1 - Reunited and It Feels Good

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Flying had never been a favorite for Sebastian Stan.  He hated the tight seats and stuff air.  But it was always worth it. Especially since this particular plane was landing in Boston. When the plane finally touched down at Logan International, he immediately sent out a text.

S: Just landed.

J: Great.  He'll pick you up.  They have no idea.

Sebastian smiled at his phone.  He put it away and grabbed his carry on.  He made it out to the arrivals gate and grabbed his main bag from the luggage carousal and looked around. Wearing a hat and sunglasses always made traveling easier to avoid crowds and the paparazzi but when your ride has to do the same, it made it twice as hard.

"Yo! Seb!"

Seb turned around and found Chris Evans waiving at him.  He smiles and walked over to his best friend.  They bro hugged. "Hey Chris, its good to see you!"

"We've missed you.  You've been away for what, six months?" Chris starts to lead Seb t o his car.

"Yeah, I know," Sebastian sighed.  "Gracie always reminds me every time we facetime."

"Yeah, well, your future bride has been crying ever since you moved to Los Angeles. At least New York was an hour by plane."

"Well, some of us have to work you know.  Not all of us are blessed to be filming twenty minutes from home.  But I have a few weeks before I have to be in Atlanta so thanks for having me."

"Don't be jealous.  And you're always welcome at the house, you know that.  Savannah wouldn't have it any other way."

The ride home was quick and Chris texted Savvy one they pulled into the driveway.  He walked in, pressing a finger to his mouth to signal Seb to keep quiet.  "Grace Robert! I have a surprise for you!"

Little footsteps could be heard on the ceiling above and then down the stairs, revealing a five-year-old girl with long dark curly hair and bright ocean blue eyes. "Daddy! You're home! What's my..." she stopped when sees Sebastian. "Seba!"  She launches herself at him.

"Ingerual meu! I've missed you so much!" Sebastian hugged his goddaughter tightly.  "You're so big now."

"That's because you moved away," the little girl sassed back.

Seb laughed. "I see that your mother's sass is alive and well."

"Hey, I don't have sass. I have southern charm." Savannah Evans said as she made it down the final steps with a two-year-old boy on her hip.  The little boy clinged to his mother but Seb could see that he was a replica of his father.  "SJ, say hi to Uncle Seba."

"Hi Unkie Seba," said Sebastian James, a thumb in his mouth and holding a Captain America teddy bear.

Seb shifted Grace to one hip to take SJ and hug him.  "Hi little man.  Geez, when did they grow so much?"

"You've been gone a long time, frate mai mare," Savvy replied. 

Seb put the kids down to embrace his other best friend.  "I'm sorry dragă, but I'm here now."

"How long are you staying?"

"I don't have to be in Atlanta for four weeks.  Is that ok?"

"Absolutely," Chris replied.  He nudged Savannah.  "Built in babysitter," he said with a smirk.

Sebastian rolled his eyes.  "I'm letting that go Evans only because I missed my god kids."

As the family of five sat down for dinner, Chris wanted to know more on the new project Seb was working on. "So, another TV show?"

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