Epilogue - Reunited Again

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** Five Years Later

"Robbie, please, we have to get going."

"I don't wanna."

"Robbie, school will be fun, I promise. "

"No! I want to stay with daddy and sissy."

"But Gracie, SJ and Julia are waiting for you."

"But mommy, I want to stay with you!!!!"

Kat sighed at the door of her son's room.  She knew it was going to be hard, especially because Sebastian had just come home from filming for two months. But, as summer ended, it was time for her little boy to go to school for the first time.

Sudbury had been the perfect town to raise their little family.  Sebastian had promised Grace that he wouldn't leave her again and he made that come true.  A little too true since the house he bought was next door to the Evans.  Kat didn't mind. She was new to being a mom and with Savannah's help, she made it through. Especially when little Charlotte Anthony made her appearance in the world six months ago.  Chris and Savannah were thrilled that Seb and Kat decided to keep the name tradition alive with little Charlie.  No one more so that Mackie, of course.

Sebastian finally came to Kat's rescue.  "Robert Christopher James, you open this door right now."

The door opened slightly and Kat could see her little boy's eyes, the light blue ones just like hers staring at them.  "Yes, daddy."

"Why don't you want to go to school?"

"Because I missed you and you just got back."

Sebastian looked sympathetically at his son.  "Robbie, I told you, I'm not leaving for a long time and I'll be home when you get home from school every day.  But you are so smart and I just want you to get smarter.  Can you come out and we'll walk you to school? I promise, it will be fun.  And your cousins will be there too.  And I'll come pick you up. "

The door opened and out popped Robbie, his Winter Soldier back pack firmly on his back.  "You promise?"

"I promise, dracu." He picked up and hugged his son, giving his wife a smile.  "It's all in the wrist," he said, giving a flirty smile.

Kat rolled her eyes and headed to the door with Charlie on her hip.  She placed her daughter in the carriage and went to open the door.  She looked over to see her nieces and nephew coming out of the door with a fluster Savannah and Chris.  "Robbie, c'mon! The Evans are waiting."

Robbie came running out and immediately went to talk to SJ, three years older than him but his best friend none the less.  Their friendship was so much like Chris and Sebastian that Kat couldn't help but chuckle.  Savannah came over to give Seb and Kat a hug as they started the walk to school.

"Was it this hard to get the kids to go to school?" Kat asked.

"Grace, yes, SJ and Julia, no because they wanted to go with Grace.  I think when she finally moves to middle school next year, it will be harder." Chris replied.

"Have you heard how Mackie is doing with the new baby?" Seb asked.

"Annabelle called yesterday and said they were doing good.  Still not used to having a little girl around with Anthony's boys but you never know," Savannah said.  "Could be good for Anthony. He said they would be by for dinner on Friday to celebrate the first week of school."

"Yeah, maybe a little girl will ground him more," Chris said with a chuckle.

As they reached the entrance, SJ and Julia hugged their mom, dad, uncle and aunt and raced in to find their new class rooms.  Robbie wrapped himself around Sebastian, to tears starting to form.  Before anyone could say anything, Grace kneeled down and took Robbie from his dad's legs.

"Robbie, I'm gonna walk you to your class room so that everyone can see that you have a big sister to protect you ok?"

"But you're not my sister, Grace."

"Hey, we are family, no matter what.  Dad and Uncle Seb always tell us what?"

"Family till the end of the line."

"That's right.  So say goodbye and I love you and we'll see them after school ok?"

Robbie followed his cousin's direction and took her hand and walked in.  Kat and Savannah were doing everything they could to hold back their tears.  Chris and Sebastian looked proudly on.  "You raised a wonderful daughter, dragă."

"We did, frate mai mare."

A call came in the middle afternoon.  "Dr. Crawford, its Sudbury Elementary.  It seems like Robbie cut his arm on the jungle gym and we are taking him to the hospital as a precaution."

Kat froze.  "We are on the way."

Sebastian and Kat raced to Sudbury General after dropping Charlie off with Savannah.  They reached the ER and found their son.  Robbie had tears tracks but was fascinated with the doctors who were sewing up his arm.  "Robbie!" Kat called.

"Momma!  Daddy!  Look I got stitched!"

The irony was not lost on Sebastian.  Robbie had cut himself on the same arm and almost the same place as he had six years earlier.  He chuckled.

"Are you laughing at our son's misfortune?" Kat looked at Sebastian and frowned.

"No frumoasa.  Just the looking at the past and remembering."

"You always look to the future."

"True but Katie don't you find it ironic that our son will have the same scar as his dad?"

Kat looked at Robbie's arm and then laughed herself.  "Didn't realize."

"Deja vu?"

"A little.  But he's not as big of a baby as you were."  Kat nudge Sebastian with a smirk.

"Hey, I took those stitched like a champ."

"Sure, we'll call it that, Mr. flinch every time I came close to you with the needle."

Sebastian huffed.  "You still dig the scar."

They got an update on Robbie, which Kat knew would be easy care. Seb and Kat went home with their son.  "You happy frumoasa?"

"Happier every day. I love you"

"I love you more."



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