Chapter 9 - New Year, Same Problems*

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TW: fighting, mentions of abuse, sexual scenes

I want to see Kathryn! Now! Pratt yelled.

Sebastian joined Chris outside.  You're not going anywhere near her Sebastian yelled back.

Fuck you, Stan! Pratt lunged at Sebastian.

Sebastian managed to dodge the lunge from Pratt.  Pratt got up and swung, hitting Sebastian in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and dropping him to his knees.  Chris tried to grab a hold of Pratt while Sebastian tried to recover.  All Sebastian could see was red.  He charged at Pratt, spearing him in the middle and dropping all three men to the ground.  Seb got one good hit to the face before Pratt used his knees to push Seb off of him.  Chris scrambled up to get to the door to make sure Pratt couldn't get inside.  But Pratt was focused on Sebastian.  They locked arms, the other trying to break free.

Kat and Savannah came to the door to witness the fight between the two men.  Kat looked in horror as Sebastian had a trickle of blood coming from his mouth.  "Mikey! Seb! Stop!" she yelled.  This got Pratt's attention as he shoved Sebastian away and started to march towards her. Chris pushed his wife and friend inside and closed the door. "Come near them and I'll kill you!" Chris threatens.

"Try me Evans!" Pratt stopped paying attention to Sebastian in his effort to get to Kat. Sebastian grabbed him around the middle and threw him over his shoulder and to the ground.  Kat opened the door and raced to get to Sebastian.  "Seb! Please, Mikey don't hurt him!" she pleaded. Chris stopped Savannah in joining her and missed Gracie running out the door.   Pratt grabbed for Kat and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her arms behind her, pressed against his chest.  He turned her around.

"You are mine! You hear me!" He went to slap Kat when he felt little hands hitting his leg. "Leave my Auntie Kat alone!" screamed Grace.  Pratt pushed the little girl away, causing her to fall down.  Grace started to cry. Kat reacted, kneeing Pratt in his groin, his grip on her loosened and she broke free, picking up Grace and ran back to the house.  By this time, a neighbor had called the police, seeing the fight in the snow.  Chris and Seb both got a hold of Pratt and held him down until the police came.

The police arrested Pratt and Sebastian as they could see they were the ones in the fight.  Chris followed in his car to bail out Sebastian while Savannah took care of Kat and Grace.  A few hours later, Chris and Sebastian walked back through the door.  Kat raced into Sebastian's arms, sobbing.

"Shhh, Katie, I'm here. I'm ok." Sebastian whispered as he held her tight.  He kissed her temple and let her go.  "Where is Grace?"

"She's upstairs, sleeping. She couldn't stop crying when the police took you away," Savannah explained. Sebastian raced up the stairs to check on his goddaughter.  She laid on her bed, clutching her Bucky Bear. Seb could see the tear tracks on her face. He ran his hand gently through her dark chocolate curls and stepped back out of her room. He went back stairs where Chris, Savannah and Kat were waiting for him.  He went back into Kat's arms.  He looked over to Savannah.  "I'm sorry Jamie.  You were right."

"I'm just happy to see you frate mai mare." Kat let go of Seb so Savannah could hug him. "What happened?"

"Chris was going to post my bail but since the fight took place on his property, the police allowed him to decide if he wanted to press charges."

"I called the studio.  I needed to know what kind of headache I was throwing them in if we pressed charges," Chris explained.  "They asked that we didn't but that I could ask for a restraining order for us, Sebastian and Kat." He turned to Kat.  "I didn't press any charges, but the police have taken a report so that you and Sebastian can decide if you want a restraining order.  I already put one in for us and the kids."

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