Chapter 10 - Healing*

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TW: some topics discussed in this chapter maybe sensitive to some readers.  Reader discretion is advised. Please read the authors note below.

After the meeting with Joel, Sebastian headed back to the Evans house a few days later.  He arrived alone, no paps in sight.  He checked his phone to see if he had any messages from Kat, seeing one.

PF: I'm back in the office.  I filed the order.  It was granted with the exception to Marvel.  Since he won't be able to keep the 500 feet order because of how close we are, Marvel is providing me with security.

Sebastian smiled. Marvel at least was taking this seriously. 

CB: Pisi that's great news.  I just got to Jamie's I'll call tonight
PF: OK.  I miss you.
CB: Miss you too.

Seb was about to knock when the door flew open and he was hit in the middle.  "Oof." He looked down to see a crying Grace wrapping herself around his leg. He chuckled and pulled the little girl into his arms.  "I see that you missed me ingerul meu."

"You can't leave anymore Seba."

"You know I have to go back to work ingerul meu but I'm here for a little while longer."  He walked into the house to see a smiling Chris waiting for him. "Welcome back punk."

"Thanks jerk. What are you doing home?"

"We don't start re-shoots for a couple of weeks.  Need to wait for the snow to melt.  How are you?  How is Kat?"

"Kat's in Atlanta.  She had to deal with moving and stuff for the studio.  She had her dad meet her there to help her.  I can't be near her house with the restraining order against Pratt."

"Where is she moving to?"

"I gave her the keys to my condo.  She's moving into one of the bedrooms for now."

"Why didn't you fly back with her?"

Sebastian had been asking himself the same question, but he knew she needed to do this on her own.  "I was going to, but I promised Grace I would come back for one.  And second, she asked for some time.  She wants to heal a little before we make us official.  Its better if I'm here so I don't pressure her."

Chris put his hand on Seb's shoulder.  "Are you ok with that?"

"No, but it's what she wants.  And after everything she deserves to do what she wants."

Back in Atlanta, Kat sat down with her new therapist. After Kevin found out about the abuse, he and the executives at Marvel arranged for her to meet with someone.  She was now on her third meeting with Ella.  Kat fidgeted with her sweater, still covering her arms even though all the bruises have faded away.

"Kat, are you ready to talk about what happened with Mikey?" Ella asked.  She waited patiently for Kat to speak.

"Umm, I don't think so but I'm going to try."  Kat looked down.  "But please don't call him that.  He's Pratt now."

"It's important for you to talk about him like he was to you. So, you can process what happened."

Kat sighed.  "Mikey was so loving at first.  He treated me so well.  But every once in a while, he would make a comment or raise his voice. The first time he hit me, it was so out of the blue.  We had been at dinner and the server was being nice.  I didn't think I was flirting with him but Mikey said I was and he slapped my leg and left a mark.  I just apologized."

"That's not a normal reaction Kat. Do you think you were flirting?"

"No, I just smiled when the waiter asked if I liked the food."  Kat lowered her head.  "I didn't mean to."

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