Chapter 5 - You're His?*

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TW: hints at abuse

Sebastian walked out of the medical center, smiling from ear to ear.  He remembered Kathryn as Chace's younger cousin.  She was off-limits for so many reasons back then.  But looking at her now, she had grown up so much.  He was so wrapped up in his day dream he almost missed Daniel and Anthony walking towards him.

"Seb! Hey are you ok? What did medical say?" Anthony asked.

"Hey! Yeah, just a few stitches. I'm cleared for minor work but no stunts for a couple of weeks," Sebastian replied with a smile.

"And what has you smiling so big?" Daniel had observed Seb's eagerness.  "Stitches are no joke."

"Oh, the doc, she's an old friend of mine.  It was nice to see her."

"She?" Anthony had a glimmer of mischief.  "What's her name?"

"Kathryn.  She's Chace's cousin.  I haven't seen her in a long time."  Sebastian had a slight blush creep on his cheeks.

"Am I sensing an attraction to the good doctor?" Daniel teased.

"What? NO! I mean, she's beautiful but... I mean...."

Anthony jumped at Sebastian's floundering.  "Looks like Seabass here has a crush.  Wonder how Gracie is going to take that."

"Shut your face Mackie."  Sebastian ran his hands through his hair. "Ok yes, I find her attractive but she's Chace's cousin.  She's been off limits since forever."

"Maybe when you were younger.  You should call Chace," Daniel suggested.

Sebastian thinks back on his phone call with Chace. And then it dawns on him. "That fucker knew she would be here. He asked me if I had met anyone new."  He shakes his head.  "That asshole."

"See! Just talk to him."  Anthony claps his back.  "You know, might be fate that you met her again.  Look at Savvy and Chris."

"I agree with Anthony," Daniel says.  "But if you are not interested, perhaps I could..."

"Come near her like that Brühl and I'll kick your ass," Sebastian threatens, getting a chuckle from Anthony.

"Nice job Dan, exactly what he needed."

"Fine.  I'll talk to Chace.  I already got her number," showing off the card.  "I'll text her after."

Sebastian left a message for Chace, wondering how he would explain his feelings. A couple of days later, Sebastian was just finishing up his filming for the day when his phone rang.  When he saw it was Chace, his heart fluttered at the thought of Kat. "Hello?"

Hey Stan, you actually called.  I'm surprised.

"You knew I was going to call once I bumped into Kat."  He heard Chace laugh.  "Why didn't you tell me she would be here? Could have greeted her and shown her around."

I think she would have been ok in that department.  Plus, it was fun for me to see how you would react.

"What do you mean by that?"

Dude, I knew you had a thing for Katie way back when.  Chace had seen the looks that Seb had given Katie when she wasn't looking.

"Chace, man, I'm..."

It's ok Seb.  I mean back then she would have been jail bait.  Now, however...

"Not the point Chace.  She patched me up after my accident and I asked her to coffee.  Is that ok?"

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