Chapter 7 - The Future Bride Returns

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A couple of weeks after the last dinner with Kat, Sebastian was running around, trying to leave on time to the airport.  He made sure the fridge was stocked, beds made and gifts for his little ingerul and his little man.  He rushed out the door and had the driver take him to Atlanta International.  He checked the arrivals board and saw he had made it just in time.  He looked around and saw his favorite trio coming out of the security area. "Jamie!"

Savannah looked around and saw Sebastian with his hat and glasses.  She whispered down to Grace, who looked around and saw him.  She ran full speed towards him and jumped into his arms. "Seba!"

"Hello ingerul meu! Oh, I missed you so much!"

Savannah made her way over to Sebastian with a smile.  Seb adjusted Grace to his hip and wrapped his other arm around Savvy and SJ.  "Looking good dragă.  I've missed you. Hey little man!"

"Miss you too Seb.  I still need to grab the bags."  She pointed to the carousel.

"I've got it, just point them out." Sebastian grabbed the bags she pointed to and got to his car.  The driver helped him get the bags in as Savannah strapped the kids in.  "You don't drive Seb?"

"Not this time.  I didn't know how you would react since the last time you were here."  Sebastian thought back to accident that almost cost Savannah her life and shuddered.

"Seb, please.  I'm ok.  Nothing a little therapy couldn't fix," she joked.  Her smile fell when she saw his face.  "Hey, I'm sorry. I don't mean to joke but if I don't it would be worse. You got her out and you stayed with me."

"I know Jamie.  The memory still haunts me.  Just ..." he looked at Savannah's face. "I'm sorry I'll stop." He cleared his throat.  "Everything is ready at the condo. Anthony and Daniel are so excited to see you.  I was telling Wyatt and Che about you, and they are excited to meet you.  The famous girl who stole Chris's heart."

"I can't wait to meet everyone." Savannah smiled.  "Especially Daniel." She smirked at Sebastian.

"And why are you excited to see him, Jamie?"  Sebastian frowned at his best friend.

"Oh please.  I saw that video you sent to Chris. I figured you would want to mess with him some more." Savannah started to laugh.  "He was so mad when you sent it."

"Oh, I remember." Sebastian chuckled.  "He's not going to come into town and punch him, is he?"

"I guarantee nothing." Savannah raised her hands in mock surrender.  "I'm just looking forward to seeing everyone and seeing the town. Especially meeting Kathryn."

Sebastian choked on the water he was drinking when she mentioned Kat.  "Kat? I mean yeah of course I want you to meet her."

Savannah could see the panic settle on his face.  "What did you do Stan?"

"I didn't do anything."

"You and Chris are such bad liars." She rolled her eyes.

"Let's talk once we get home and the mini recorder is busy with something."  He looked over at Grace who clearly was listening to the conversation.

"Fine, but I want all the details frate mai mare."

Once Sebastian had gotten the Evans into the condo and settled, he gave the gifts to Grace and SJ.  Grace jumped up and down at the gymnastics Barbie and SJ started to toddle around with his new Winter Soldier action figure.  As the kids played, Savvy and Seb sat on the couch.

"Sebastian, what happened?"

Sebastian looked sadly at Savannah.  "Jamie, he's hurting her.  And she's scared to leave. I told her I would protect her and everything.  But she's still with him.  Even after..." he stopped.

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