Chapter 2 - Atlanta Revisited

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Chris dropped off Sebastian at the airport early in the morning. The pair hugged and Chris wished Sebastian luck and Sebastian was back on a plane. While in the air, he tried to review the scripts that he was sent but his mind was still on Grace. He missed his little Ingerul but he knew he would see her soon. Finally, Sebastian took a deep breath and shook the sadness off. He had never been a lead on a television show and he wanted to make the Marvel family proud.

Landing in Atlanta, the humidity pressing on his lungs, Sebastian found his driver and took off to his rented condo for filming. He had a day to get settled before he had to head in for wardrobe and fittings of his metal sleeve.

He took out his phone and glanced at the time. At least now he was in the same time zone as Grace, making it easier to know when to call. It was just after noon and he knew Grace would still be at kindergarten. He sighed, bored after unpacking. He decided to head to the coffee shop that has become his and Savannah's the last time they were here.

Sebastian took the first script and sat down with his coffee at a table in the back. He made notes like always, marked where he had questions on how they wanted him to be like for his character. The familiarity of the script review making him feel better. He glanced up and looked around the shop, trying to be discreet so if there were paparazzi, he wouldn't be noticed.

He notices a petite woman, with light brown hair ordering a drink at the counter. He couldn't look away from her. He couldn't tell what her eye color was, but he could see the light of happiness dancing in them. Her hair was up in a bun, showing off her neck. She looks oddly familiar, he said to himself. The bell of the door pulled Sebastian from continuing to stare at the woman. He looked down to compose himself. He took a few moments and then looked back up. He looked around but she was gone. Damm, he thought to himself.

He packed up and headed back to his condo. A simple dinner with a side of studying and he decided to call Grace. It was a little after seven. The facetime rang until he saw his favorite blue eyes staring at him. "Seba!"

"Hi, ingerul meu! How was school?"

"It was fine. I beat Tommy in a cartwheel race. He threw up!"

"Grace!" Sebastian heard Savannah in the background. He chuckled.

"I'm sure that was funny Gracie but you knew you could beat him. That's not nice."

"Well, he said that Captain America was dumb and that Bucky was bad. He's wrong so I challenged him."

"Savvy, she got that from Chris not from me!" Seb yelled out.

"Ha! I know who to be mad at. Christopher Robert!" Savannah yelled. This time Seb couldn't hold his laugh back when he heard Chris yelled back, "I didn't do it."

"Well Gracie, its almost time for bed. Did you want me to read you a story?"

"How Seba?"

Sebastian showed her the copy of her book that he bought before he left. She grabbed her copy and she laid down in her bed, she followed along until Seb saw her close her eyes. Someone picked up the phone as he saw it move. Chris's face appeared. "Thanks for the assist, Stan."

"Anytime Evans. She ok?"

"She was sad when I got back but I think this helped. Ready to start tomorrow?"

"Yes, already made notes and everything."

"You're like a little kid." Chris shook his head. "Good luck tomorrow Seb."

"Thanks Chris, talk to you soon."

Sebastian hung up and got ready for bed. Tomorrow was the start of a new adventure.

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