Chapter 21 - European Adventure Redux *

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** this chapter contains adult scenes. Readers discretion is advised

Prague was everything Kat hoped for and more.  The old buildings, the history, she could spend hours just on one block if Sebastian would let her. On the day they arrived, he arranged a romantic dinner at an outdoor café so she could enjoy the lights of the city.  There was no pressure, no exs, no stalkers, just Kat and Seb.

When production started, Kat would take her bag, put a book, a notebook, and some color pencils and head into the city.  Sometimes she would sit and read.  Other times, she would sketch the world around her.  It was the most peaceful that she had been in years.  She loved her work, but she missed the time when she could enjoy life.

Every evening, unless he was shooting, Sebastian would come back to the loft they had rented for the month and smell the air.  Kat started cooking again and Sebastian didn't think he could fall even more in love with her but he did.  They sat at the table and told each other about the day.  Sometimes, Anthony, Wyatt, Daniel or Che would join them. The laughter, the friendships, it was everything to Kat.  It was what she was missing in her life before.

Production was in full swing and Sebastian couldn't have been happier.  He had his girl by his side, working with one of his best friends and enjoying Europe once again.  On his days off, the gang and Kat would head into town and just explore, if only for a few hours.

Two weeks into production and the whole crew was ready for a break.  Sebastian had told Kat about the weekend in Paris.  Just not all the details.  They boarded the plane on Friday morning, the two-hour trip quickly passing by.  As they were landing, Sebastian reached over to squeeze Kat's hand.  "Are you excited frumoasa?"

"For Paris or for a weekend just the two of us?"


"Then both."  Kat smiled and reached over for a kiss.

Sebastian obliged.  "I planned the weekend.  Today we are checking in and then exploring.  I booked us a private viewing of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Lunch at the museum café and then dinner tonight at the Moulin Rouge.  Tomorrow is a tour of the Palace de Versailles and a river tour on the Seine and then the Eiffel Tower at night and then dinner.  Sunday I just planned to relax before our flight that night."

"Wow, we are busy."

"Is that ok?"

"Yeah, its ok.  Hitting all the highlights.  We will be able to come back, right?" she asked with a giggle.

"Of course, I just wanted to treat you to a nice weekend."

"And I appreciate it love."

A car was waiting for them when they landed at Charles de Gaulle International.  It took them straight to the Shangri-La Hotel.  When the bellhop took them to their suite, Kat gasp.  The view was straight out of a dream.  She could see the Eifel Tower from their private balcony.  The balcony had its own table and chairs, and a little sitting area. Kat had to touch the bed, the curtains, the paneling, just to make sure it was real.  "Sebastian," she whispered.

He came up behind her and kissed her shoulder. "I just wanted it to be as special as possible frumoasa."

"Its perfect."

"We have a couple of hours until our tour, Katie.  What would like to do?"

She turned in Sebastian's arms. She pulled him in for a kiss as she started to push him towards the bed.  She climbed onto of him.  "I want you right now."

Sebastian ran his hands over her.  "Anything you want my Katie."

Later, as the couple took in the museum sights, Sebastian received a message that his package had arrived.  Knowing Kat would pack, he made arrangements for the ring to be shipped and delivered to the restaurant.  He relaxed knowing it was there waiting for him for tomorrow night.

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