Chapter 4 - Old Friends

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Kathryn Crawford hated disappointing people. She tried to be punctual and present for everything.  However, as a doctor at Boston Children's Hospital, everyone was used to her being late or leaving early from everything.  When she had arrived in Atlanta a few weeks ago, she had every intention of fulfilling her promise of being the medical director for Marvel Studios Atlanta for the next year.  But when an emergency sent her back to Boston, she hoped her uncles would understand.  Kevin Feige understood since it was in her contract that she would be able to leave Adam Garcia, her second in command, in charge of medical if she was needed at her primary job.

It didn't help that her boyfriend was upset about the sudden change in the plan.  Kat had met Chris Pratt during a charity event for the hospital during the NFL championship, when the Seattle Seahawks were playing the New England Patriots.  She had been a part of the planning committee for Christopher's Haven and of course, running late for a meeting of its members when she bumped into Chris. He was charming and sweet.  He asked her to call him Michael, from his middle name.  "It makes it less confusing with Evans here."  She had yet to meet the main fundraiser for the charity.  That had been three years ago.  Things had changed in their relationship but she still loved Mikey, even after everything.

She was back in Atlanta, reviewing the files of the actors on Falcon and the Winter Soldier, making sure that the physicals were completed.  When she saw Sebastian Stan's file, she smiled. I doubt he'll remember me, she thought as she studied his picture.  He's gotten more handsome.  She read over the file and frowned when she saw his emergency contact.  Savannah Monroe. Not single, she thought.  Slight disappointment washed over her.  She shook her head. I'm with Mikey.  No need to be jealous.

One of her nurses, Janet, knocked on her door. "Dr. Crawford?"


"Two things, you have a call waiting and two, there was an accident during one of the stunts.  EMTs are on the scene and have said that its not emergent but will require medical attention for a cut."

Kat sighed, hoping for an easier first day. "Okay, who's the call from?"

"He said his name was Chace."

Kat smiled. "Ok put the call through.  Here are the files for the physicals.  Everything looks like its in order.  Find out who was injured and bring back their file.  Thanks Janet."

"No problem Dr. Crawford."

Kat waiting until she heard her phone ring.  "Hello?"

Is this the new Marvel medical director?

"Or your cousin, which ever you'd like to call me Chace," Kat said with a giggle.  "How are you?"

I'm good Katie.  Just checking in with you.  Have you met any of the cast yet?

"Chace, I know Sebastian is here.  I just reviewed all of the files."

You excited to see him?  It's been a while since you've seen him.  And don't say you don't because you can't lie to me Katie.

"It was 12 years ago Chace.  Yes, I had a crush on him but I was 17 at the time and you and him were trying to rule the world."  Kat could hear Chace sigh through the phone.

Kathryn, you know I love you but you are in the river in Egypt. Denial. You still like him.

"Doesn't matter anyways, He's with someone according to his file and I'm with Mikey."

Mikey, ugh.  Chace scoffed at the name


I hate that guy, Katie.  You could do so much better.

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