Chapter 22 - Red Carpet Premier

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** Four months later

"No, I don't want to go anymore."

"Katie, c'mon, you promised."

"That was two months ago.  I didn't expect this back then."

"Sweetheart, it's the premier of the show.  I have to go and everyone is so excited to see you."

"I'm not going."

Sebastian sighed as he tried to convince his wife to exit their bedroom.  "Katie, please.  You look amazing and I hear that they will have chocolate covered strawberries.  Mackie specifically requested them just for you." He could hear the bed creak as Kat got off the bed.  The door cracked open to see her beautiful light blue eyes.


"Just for you frumoasa, but only if we can leave in the next half hour."

"Fine."  Kat closed the door and slipped on her dress.  Her hair and makeup were already done.  She looked at the mirror and sighed.  She left the room to see Sebastian on his phone.  He looked up and his mouth hung open.

"Frumoasa, you look stunning."

"You have to say that because we're married."

"Possibly but it doesn't make it less true.  C'mon, the car is waiting."  Sebastian slipped on his blue and black jacket over his while shirt and took her hand. 

The car took them to the Disney Hall, where the premier of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was being held.  The red carpet was laid out, photographers everywhere and Kat was nervous.  The public didn't know about the wedding that had happened a month after Sebastian proposed.  This was their big announcement. 

Sebastian stepped out to cheers and flashes, waving to the crowd before reaching in for Kat's hand.  "It's ok frumoasa, I won't let anything happen to you."

Kat sighed and slid to the door.  She stepped out and was immediately blinded by the camera.  They started to make their way down the red carpet.  The first interview was with E! News.

The reporter, Jason Kennedy, was ready with questions.  "Sebastian, congratulations on the new show."

"Thanks.  It was a blast to participate in."

"But I think you have bigger news." Jason glanced at Kat.

"Yeah, can't keep that a secret any longer.  My wife and I are expecting a baby boy in about four months."

Jason couldn't keep his mouth from popping open.  "Wife?  Baby? Someone has had an exciting few months."

Sebastian thought back and couldn't agree more that it has been an amazing few months.


'About that, we either need to do it sooner rather than later or wait a while.'

'Why? Did you want to be a summer bride and not wait?' Sebastian chuckled.

Kat smiled. 'No love, I have something to tell you.'

'Ok now, you are scaring me.'  Sebastian looked into the eyes of his new fiancé.

'So remember how I was feeling off last weekend?'

'Yeah, you said it was a stomach bug.'

'Ok, well I went to see the set doctor, Dr. Garcia.  And he ran a few tests and it turns out that I do have a little something.  It won't go away for about seven and a half months.'

Falling Gracefully (Sebastian Stan)Where stories live. Discover now