Chapter 16 - Lawyers, Peanut Butter and Honey

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Kat sat inside her lawyer's office with Sebastian and Chris. The men insisted on going with Kat to the meeting, still not believing that Pratt would have gone this far. Her lawyer, Anna, looked over the evidence. She was really quiet, reading over the notes provided to her. Kat's leg bounced, Seb holding her hand while Chris played with his fingers.

"Kat, I have to be honest, this doesn't look good."

"Anna, I never messaged him. I didn't call him. I blocked his number. You can look." She unlocked her phone and gave it to Anna.

"But Kat, these are tweets from an anonymous account, same for these Instagram post. There is no way to prove its not you." Anna sighed at the predicament.

"Anna, you can't be seriously thinking she would want this," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, I know she didn't do this. I helped write the restraining order. That's not the point. The case is based on the fact that she could have lured him to the home with the intention of hurting him."

"Kat would never have put Savannah in danger." Chris was frustrated with the direction the discussion was going.

"Gentlemen, look, this is what is being presented. What we need to do is be smart about it. The best defense is the best offense, just like football. We need to show that Kat had no chance to be sending these messages and that she had already moved on."

"Katie, I did post that picture on Instagram in February," Sebastian offered.

Chris clapped, "and we have those videos we took with the kids. They are time stamped."

"That's a good start," Anna said, writing it down. "Kathryn, is there anyone who had a vendetta or a personal negative history that may have used this against you?"

"I have a really small circle of friends Anna. Pratt made sure of that. Here you have half of the people I talk to besides my parents. Chace and Savannah would be the rest."

"Anyone at work, the hospital, Marvel?"

"I mean my main person is Janet, my head nurse at Marvel. And I've been remote with the hospital since I moved to Atlanta. Really the only other people would be the guys from Falcon or Guardians. But I haven't been to the Guardians set since the restraining order."

"Ok, I'm going to look into the cast and crew at Marvel, see if I can see a connection anywhere. In the meantime, go home, spend time with the baby. I hear she's a looker." Anna smiled. "Let me handle it from here."

"Are you sure Anna? I mean, is this going to get out?"

"No, the reports didn't give a name and the Pratt family has asked for confidentiality until the investigation is complete. Kathryn, relax. The police are going to see that you are innocent."

The trio walked out of the Boston office, Sebastian holding Kat's hand. "Let's pick up some food for the gang at home," Chris suggested. They started to make the quick drive back to Sudbury, Kat riding in the back, quiet. Her mind was clouded with thoughts. Her life could still be ruined with all of this. Anna had mentioned that the death was reported but not the circumstances. She was afraid of the repercussions. She felt lucky that the investigation was confidential but she had a feeling that someone else was helping Pratt with all of this. Or setting her up. She had no enemies that she was aware of. She sighed, looking out the window.

"Frumoasa, are you ok?" Seb turned around to look at his girlfriend.

"Just thinking Seb. This whole thing is so crazy."

"Hey Dr. Kat, we know the truth and we will stand by you, ok?" Chris looked in the rear-view mirror at Kat. "If you want, we can look over your phone and email and see if we can find a connection."

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