Chapter 12 - Boston - Quarantine Edition

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A/N: Yes, I am acknowledging lockdown in the next few chapters only because of the social media provided by one Sebastian Stan.  However, I am shortening it for the purposes of this story.  Please continue to be safe out there -A

Chris was kind enough to pick up Sebastian at the airport a few days later, mask and all. "Can't be too careful," Sebastian says.

"Especially with Savannah already at 5 ½ months. How was Prague?  You know, besides the photos," Chris asks with a chuckle.

"Seriously, I am surprised that Jamie didn't call me and chew me out."

"Oh, she was going to. Instead, she ranted. To me.  And Kat. Kat was the one who told her she would handle it and that the stress wasn't good for the baby. It was smart of you not to call until a week later."

Guilt swims all over Sebastian's face. "I didn't realize that she would have taken that so bad. She was so calm when I finally called."

"You're welcome.  Do you know how many back rubs and pints of ice cream I had to keep in the house for my girl because of you?"

"I'm sorry Chris. For all of this."

"Nothing to be sorry for.  I understand that Savvy's hormonal. But hey, if having you closer makes Savannah happy, then I'm all in." Chris smirked at his friend.  "But I know the reason you're really here.  Kat's going to be at the hospital more, right?"

"Yeah, with Atlanta shutting down in a day or so, she's flying up to help with the kids.  She said that its more admin work for her department, but you never know.  The next couple of weeks are going to suck because we have to be isolated for the flying and stuff."

"Its scary man I know.  They already shut down Grace's school.  But at least after a couple of weeks she'll have the both of us to help Savannah."

"True." Seb looked at his phone

PF: I'm glad you landed safely.

CB: Me too.  But it still sucks I can't see you

PF: Its only for a couple of weeks.

CB: Yeah but I'll be alone

PF: Not all the way alone

CB: Just been told that I'm not allowed in the house for two weeks

PF: ok so maybe alone but you guys can talk through the window

CB: Just be careful frumoasa. I need to see you soon

Sebastian looked up at Chris.  "What am I going to do for two weeks by myself?"

Chris shrugs. "I dunno.  Drink and entertain yourself?"

Three days later, Sebastian felt like he was going to lose his mind.  Chris always stopped by and brought food to Sebastian since he wouldn't allow Savannah to get nearby.  Grace would talk to Seb through the window and would try to put on a show with SJ.  Sebastian appreciated the effort but by the third night he was restless.  He had been playing on Instagram, looking at posts and videos when he decided to have some fun.

He started by showing off his cleaning skills.  He saw a message from Kat.

@drkcrawford: look at my dork go

Next, he decided to pour some wine on camera, music playing in the background and then drinking the large glass.  His phone pinged

@savvyevans: I am SO jealous right now

Sebastian laughed.  He started to film a sequence of him singing songs.  Glasses on, he belted out "Hungry Eyes," then getting into a little Maxine Nightingale, holding his glass of wine.  He channeled his inner Usher, sang to Kat with some Foreigner and finished off with some Lionel Richie.

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