Chapter 13 - Ordinary Day

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"Uncle Seba! Auntie Kat!"

Sebastian groaned as he rolled over and pulled Kat closer to him.  "Maybe if we don't response, she'll let us sleep," he says in his sleep induced raspy voice.

"Has that ever worked, love?"

"No, frumoasa, but there is a first time for everything." Sebastian buried his head into Kat's shoulder. He heard the door open and turned to see a tiny face looking at him from the side of the bed. "Hi buddy."

"Hi Unkie Seba.  Hungy." SJ looked at his uncle, holding his Bucky bear under his arm and a thumb in his mouth.

"How did you even get out of bed, little man?" Sebastian leaned over and picked him up to place him between himself and Kat. SJ curled into Kat as Seb turned over and wrapped his arm around both of them.  Kate kissed the top of SJ's head before looking at Seb.  He was staring at her with wide eyes. "What?"

"Just looking into the future, frumoasa. It's beautiful." He gave her a small kiss, acknowledging that his godson was in between them.   They laid like that for a few minutes until Grace came racing in.

"Uncle Seba," as Grace climbed on the bed and sat on Sebastian's chest, "Momma said its time for breakfast and to stop cuddling her son."

"Ingerul meu, why don't you join us and make your mommy even more jealous."

"But momma's making chocolate chip pancakes!"  Grace jumped down and ran out of the room.

Kat looked at Seb. "Are pancakes really worth getting up?"

Sebastian shrugged. "Is the wrath of Savannah James Evans worth not getting up right now?" They both could hear Savannah moving around downstairs.  "Let's not test that theory, Katie.  It's going to be a long boring day."

"But you and Chris get to go out in the real world," Katie whines. The lockdown was starting to slowly be lifted but they were still being cautious due to Savannah's condition.

"Hungy."  SJ's tiny voice floated up between them.

"Sorry little man.  Let's go."  Sebastian got out of bed and picked up SJ to take him down the stairs.  Kat followed, excited for a relatively quiet day. As the family sat down for breakfast, they ran over the schedule.

"So, Seb and I have a couple of meetings in Boston and we should be done around 2.  I'm taking the kids to Ma's so you and Kat can have a relaxing lunch," Chris said, wiping the syrup from SJ's face.

"Sounds perfect," Savvy replied.

After cleaning up from breakfast, Kat and Savannah got the kids ready to go while Chris and Seb got dressed for their meetings.  Sebastian hugged Kat to say goodbye. "Behave frumoasa.  I'll miss you today."

"Behave," Kat scoffed.  "All I'm doing is staying home and helping Savannah nest. You better behave.  The world hasn't seen Sebastian Stan or Chris Evans live in almost three months."

"And what exactly do you think is going to happen?"

"I don't know." She shrugs.  "Bitches be crazy babe." Sebastian laughs. "Come home to me." Kat reached up to kiss Sebastian.

"I love you frumoasa."

"I love you more."


"Truth. Be careful and don't forget your masks." Dr. Kat was vigilant about the mask rule outside.

"Yes ma'am." Sebastian mocked saluted her and Chris turned to do the same, earning a laugh from the girls and the kids.

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