Chapter 8 - Holidaze

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To Kat, there was no place like Boston for Christmas. The city went out of it way to look more beautiful than ever. The lights, the music and decoration all made Kat happy. But this Christmas was going to be different. Normally, Mikey insisted on being in California, but Kat had to work this year, so they were going to be separated. And Kat was ok with that since Sebastian was going to be with the Evans. She was excited to be with him even if she knew she couldn't be with him. The kiss they shared was something she never stopped thinking about. It was so soft, so pure, so electric that she never really wanted it to end. But she was not a cheater. She had a feeling that Mikey might be, but she didn't want to dwell on it. She resolved to end it as soon as he got back but she was afraid of what he might do.

After Sebastian was able to get on the same flight as Kat, and upgrade their seats, Kat drove him into Sudbury, where the Evans house was. They chatted the whole time, old friends enjoying the scenery. Sebastian reached over and held her hand. She looked down for a second and then back on the road. "Seb, I..."

"Hey, it's just you and me, frumoasa. I promise to behave in public. I just needed to feel you." He turned over her hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. He proceeded to run his thumb over them.

Kat just smiled, enjoying how gentle a man could be with her, the feeling was unfamiliar. Sebastian was just ecstatic that she allowed him to touch her. He knew it was wrong, to want someone who wasn't his, but he couldn't help it. She had been happier than when they first met, and it was probably because Pratt wasn't around. He wanted to enjoy her company without the constant fear of being found out.

They pulled into the driveway and were immediately greeted by a tutu-wearing Grace. "Uncle Seba! Auntie Kat! You're here!" She jumped into Seb's arms.

They both laughed at the greeting. Seb kissed the little girl on her forehead. "Since when do you call Kat 'Auntie Kat'?"

"Since I saw you and her fall in love," she said a matter-of-factly. Seb smiled wide looking over at Kat, her face shocked. He put Grace down and she went over to hug Kat. "Is it ok that I call you that Kat?"

"Of course, sweetheart. No matter what you can call me that because I love you just like Sebastian does ok?"

Grace smiles wide. "Ok Auntie Kat. We just got the tree and momma is making cookies and hot chocolate so we can decorate. Are you helping?"

Kat looked at her watch. "I have to go to work Gracie but tell you what, when I'm done we'll go to see Santa ok?"

"Yay! Can SJ come too?"

"Absolutely. Everyone will go ok?" She hugged Grace tightly, closing her eyes, trying not to let the tears come out. She was overwhelmed with joy from the love she had gotten from the little girl. When she opened them again, she could see Savannah and Chris from the doorway, just watching. "Hi guys."

"Hey Dr. Kat," Chris greeted. "We heard what you said about Santa later. I'll make some arrangements, ok?"

"Perfect. I wasn't sure how I was going to pull that off," she said with a laugh. She turned to Sebastian and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "I'll see you later."

"Of course, frumoasa. Drive safe and call me when you get there." Sebastian grabbed his bags and headed in, waving to Kat as she drove away. Once inside, Seb was immediately confronted by Savannah. "What?"

Savannah stood in front of him, hands on her hips. "What is going on Seb? I thought you guys were waiting?"

"We are. I'm not doing anything but being her friend." Sebastian shrugged his shoulders.

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