Chapter 11 - European Adventure

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Sebastian was still upset after conversation with Kat.  He understood; they would be separated while he was filing in Europe.  But he wanted to be with Kat.  To tell her how he felt.  He was in love with her.  He wanted everything with her.

Kat knew she wouldn't have been able to join the cast in Prague because of her duties in Boston and Atlanta.  She wanted to be with Sebastian but with her healing, she needed him to be near her if she wanted to do it right.  She didn't feel it was fair to him, to tie him down when she couldn't give all of herself to him.  So she asked for more time. The day he was leaving for Prague, she wanted to tell him that she loved him.  Instead, she took him to the airport, holding his hand the entire way.

Sebastian didn't know how he would get on the plane.  He and Kat talked again.  She would stay at the condo, making sure she locked up and called him every day.  At the airport, she walked him up to security, trying to make the moment last.

"Pisi, I'm going to miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too."

Sebastian pulled her into his arms and buried his head into her neck, smelling her hair.  "May I kiss you, Katie?"

She nodded and he tilted her head up to his. He gently pressed his lips to her, slowly connecting with her.  He pulled away.  "I'm going to miss you so much Katie.  Please come with me."

"Seb, you know I need more time.  I have responsibilities here." She stopped, trying not to cry.  "I don't want to be broken for you."

"You're not broken, frumoasa.  You're perfect to me."  Sebastian hesitated, hoping that he was making the right decision.

"I love you, Kathryn."

It was out there.  And Sebastian closed his eyes.  The silence was deafening.  He finally opened his eyes to see her light blue ones filled with tears.  "I'm sorry frumoasa.  I didn't mean to push..." She cut him off by pulling him into a heated kiss.  Their mouths moved in sync, and she ran her fingers through his hair.  She pulled back for air.

"I love you too."

Sebastian's heart jumped when he heard those words.  He picked her up and spun Kat around, making her laugh in the process.  He kissed her again.  "Does this mean I don't have to wait for me to get back?"

"Not anymore Sebastian.  Come back to me."

"Always frumoasa."  He kissed her one last time.  "I'll call when I land."

"You better, Stan. I love you!"

He turned around.  "I love you more!"

"Lies!" Katie smiled.

"Truth!" And with a wave, Sebastian headed to his gate, the smile on his face hurting his cheeks but he couldn't stop.  He was in love.  He looked at the date and time.  January 20th.  I'll be home soon, thinking of the 3 months he was scheduled to be in Europe.  I'll be home to her soon.

Arriving in Prague, Anthony couldn't help but notice the pep in Sebastian's step as they made it to their hotel.  "Ok Seabass, what the hell is going on?"

"Kat and I are together, officially." Sebastian's smile getting wider.



10 DAYS LATER – January 30th

"C'mon Seb, you became a one-woman man and now you won't have drinks with me!" Anthony complained.

"I gotta call Kat and make sure everything is ok at home." Sebastian just wanted to spend a little time with her even on their weird schedule.

"Call her and then come out.  Just for one drink man I'm bored here. Dan's going and so is Wyatt and Che."

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