Chapter 17 - Insider Knowledge *

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* this scene contains adult scenes. Reader discretion is advised.

"Who at Marvel would do this?" Savannah asked.  "I assume the only one we know is already dead."

Kat was stunned by the revelation. She barely had friends at Marvel.  Most of them were the actors that she trusted with her life.  "Sebastian, we should tell Anthony, Daniel and Wyatt.  They are the only ones I would have talked to."

"Right. Let me make some calls. Actually, Chris can I use your phone?  I don't trust my cell right now."

"Yeah, go in the study. Use the office phone.  Safer." Sebastian left the room.  Chris turned to Kat, "how about any of the nurses or doctors you work with? Any issues with them?"

"I mean Dr. Garcia and I get along great.  All of my nurses, especially Janet are hardworking and I've never had a problem with any of them.  Janet has been there the longest."

"Janet, Janet, where do I know that name from?" Chris squints his eyes.  "Blonde right?"

"Yea, she's about my height.  She helped me get orientated when I first got there.  She's a peach."  Kat shrugs.

"Who's a peach?" Sebastian asked walking back into the room.

"Janet, my head nurse."  Kat saw Sebastian flinch.  "Now what?"

"I, uh, sorta went out with her, before."  Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck.  He looked at Kat, whose face was asking for details. "I met her during filming for the last movies.  I went out with her a couple of times, once alone and once as a double with Jamie and Chris."

"That's why she's familiar," Chris says. "I thought you ended it gently."

"I did.  I told her she was nice but that I didn't really feel anything with her. She said she understood.  Why are we talking about her any ways?"

"We were just going through the list of people that I work with.  Chris couldn't remember Janet, which is where you came in." Kat looked at Savannah with a knowing look but pretended to still be upset.

"Pisi, why are you mad?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because she doesn't matter, frumoasa. I'm with the love of my life.  That should be the thing that matters." Sebastian kneeled in front of her.  "Love you."

Kat leaned over and gave him a kiss. "Love you more."


"Truth. Besides I wasn't mad," Kat said with a giggle.  "But your face was classic."

Chris and Savannah chuckled at Sebastian's shocked expression.  "Oh, you're going to pay for that frumoasa."

"Seb, I swear you wake up the kids, I will make you on diaper duty for the week," Savannah threatens. Seb looked at Savannah's face and swallowed.  Chris and Kat laughed.

"Ok, let's get back at it before Jules is up.  Let's get a list going of people and we narrow it down from there," Chris said.

The group compiled a list adding everyone Kat interacted with.  The only connection they made was that Pratt worked with the same people Kat did.  "Any one of them could have done this," Sebastian comments.  "Except me," he quickly adds.

Chris laughs.  "Stan, I would make you suspect number one if you weren't sleeping with her."

"Christopher Robert!" Savannah smacked her husband.

"What?! C'mon, he would totally want Pratt gone if he had been threatening Kat.  But he wasn't.  He was silent until the day he was here."  Chris rubbed his arm.  "Ow, by the way."

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