Chapter 15 - J. K. S. E.

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Kat walked back to the hospital room, reviewing the chart in her hand.  Exhaustion was etched into her face but she was too happy to let it bother her.  As she opened the door to the room, she took a deep breath to compose herself.

"How are you doing, mom?"

"Tired but happy." Savannah replied.  Kat looked at Chris and Sebastian asleep on the chairs in the room.

"Have they even left?"

"Not since we got here.  I don't think Chris will ever let me out of his sight again."  Savannah sighed at the thought. "I'm just happy they are letting both of them stay."

"It helps to have a celebrity husband and best friend and the head of the neonatal department on your side." Kat reviewed the chart again.  "It looks like you are doing ok and so is the baby.  A nurse will be in soon for feeding."

"Great.  Everything is ok, right?" A hint of worry hit Savannah.

"Everything is perfect.  A little small but that is to be expected for an early birth.  I should be able to discharge both of you in a couple of days.  I just want to run some test to make sure everything is ok."  Kat smiled tiredly, but her eyes had lost their sparkle, the weight of her actions showing.

Savannah tilted her head. "Did you want to talk about it, Kate?"

"Talk about what?  The fact that I killed someone."

"You didn't Kate.  He tripped down the stairs.  It was self-defense." Savannah grabbed Kat's hand.  "You saved me and the baby. We can never repay you.  Looks like the Crawfords and Stans are into saving the Evans."

"Stop. You make me sound like some kind of superhero."  Kat wiped away a tear.  "I just couldn't let my family be hurt."

Savannah scooted over a little to let Kat sit on the bed.  Kat leaned on Savannah and started to cry, the events of the day finally catching up with her.  She tried to be quiet, not wanting to wake Sebastian or Chris.  Kat slowly drifted off to sleep, exhaustion finally taking over.

"Pisi, the baby is here."  Sebastian shook Kat gently to wake her.

"Savannah's comfortable.  I'm staying here," Kat mumbled.  Chris and Savannah laughed quietly.

"Did I just lose my wife to my best friend?"

"Yes," Kat and Savannah replied.

Sebastian shook his head and chuckled. "C'mon Pisi, you can sleep on me at the couch.  The baby is hungry." Sebastian lifted Kat off the bed and onto his lap on the couch.  She snuggled into him, enjoying the warmth.

The nurse opened the door to reveal the plastic bassinette.  She handed the bundle of blankets to Savannah.  "Did you have a name dear?  We can't keep calling the baby 'Baby Evans'."

Savannah smiled as she looked up at Chris.  "Yes.  She is Julia-Kathryn Scott Evans." She looked at Kat and Seb on the couch.  Sebastian had a huge smile as Kat had her hands on her mouth.

Chris smiled as he took his newest girl out of Savannah's arms.  "Hey there Jules, meet your namesake."

He reached out and handed Baby Julia to Kat to hold.  She instinctively cradles the infant in her arms. She can see that she has the trademark dark curls like her mother and sister before her.  And when her eyes open, she can see that the Evans blue eyes are copied again onto little Julia.   "Hi Jules, I'm your Auntie Kat.  This is your uncle Sebastian.  We love you so much."  She nuzzled the little girl, smelling her sweet scent.  Kat looked up at her parents. "You guys sure?"

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