Chapter 19 - ...Somebody's Watching Me

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Everyone headed to the house with Kat and Savannah planning a celebration dinner. Good news finally. Sebastian was quiet during the planning, not sure when to break the news. As they pulled into the driveway, Sebastian could see another package on the step. He rushed out of the car, claiming the need to use the restroom, scooped up the package and headed to his room. He hid the package and waited a minute to head back out.

"More surprises, love?" Kat asked as Sebastian walked back into the living room.

"Maybe frumoasa," he said with a forced smiled. His eyes flicked to Chris, who immediately realized what was going on.

"Hey gorgeous, I think we need to hit the store before Ma comes back with the kids. Do you and Kat want to take advantage of..."

"God, yes! Thanks, handsome." Savannah kissed Chris and grabbed Kat's hand. Kat barely had a chance to kiss Sebastian before she was pulled away with a laugh. Sebastian watched her leave, an ache in his chest. "Be careful dragă! Don't torture Katie too much!"

Chris laughed, trying to keep the mood light. He and Sebastian waited until the car pulled out of the driveway before they both headed to Sebastian and Kat's room. "I saw it as I was pulling in," Chris said.

"I know. I just didn't want to tip them off before I had a chance to look at it." Sebastian pulled the package from the hiding spot. He put it on the table and grabbed a pair of gloves from the first aid kit. He carefully opened the wrapping and then the box to find a book and another package. "What the hell?"

It was 'Acting in Film' by Michael Caine. Sebastian carefully opened the cover. "Chris, this is a first edition and it signed. How do they know that I loved this book?" He continued on with the package underneath. He saw the red leather jacket, the color very familiar to him. There was a certificate on top. "Holy shit!"

"Seb, is that the James Dean jacket? From Rebel?"

"Fuck, Chris. This was sold at auction for the $500 grand."

"Wait, here's the note."

My sweetheart,
I see that she is still around
If you just sent her away, it would be so much easier.
I know you will love these gifts
I heard the movie was your favorite
No amount of money will ever be enough to show my love.
Maybe you will reconsider getting rid of her
Before I have to...

Sebastian paled. He reached for his phone and called the detectives. He briefly explained what had happened. "if you could please come now? I don't want to frighten Kathryn and Savannah."

"Understandable. I can be there in ten minutes." Detective Daniels hung up.

"Sebastian, are you ok?" Chris was concerned with how pale Sebastian looked and the beads of sweat rolling off of him.

"It's like they know all the things that I love. Are they watching me? Us?"

"Hey, we'll figure it out. The cameras go in tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get a clear picture."

The detectives came and went, taking the expensive gifts with them. Savannah and Kat showed up ten minutes after, to the relief of Sebastian. He knew he couldn't wait any longer. He wanted them to explode before the kids showed up.

"Dragă, frumoasa, can I talk to you?"

Kat could see the anxiety written all over Seb's face. "Sebastian, what's wrong?"

"Just come sit with me and Chris." Kat sat next to Sebastian as Savannah sat next to Chris. "Frumoasa, I have to tell you about some stuff that has been happening."

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