Chapter 21 - The Finding of Dad

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I sat there still. I didn't know how to react to such a thing. My dad was here. In the same building as me. I wonder if I can go and see him. Will he want to see me? What would he do if he saw me? Questions filled my mind and the thought of Ryan disappeared. I hadn't even thought about him once until the police officer came back and led us into another room.

We followed going round corners, walking through hall ways until we were in this room, it was blank; four white walls with a desk, behind it a chair, and a few seats dotted around the room one of which Ryan was sitting on. As I looked at him, he looked away. It was pretty obvious that he didn't want to talk to me, but why? What have I done?

"Ryan here has got himself in a bit of trouble" the policeman broke our silence.

"What has he done?" Paul said edging for answers.

"Your boy here stole a woman's purse"

"I didn't steal it" Ryan interrupted.

As soon as I heard it I knew it wasn't true. Ryan would never steal something, he didn't even like the fact I stole a 1p coin to get home. Maybe I was wrong about him all this time. I couldn't hear anymore.

"This is not his first offence"

"Yes we know" Paul said as he looked disapprovingly at Ryan.

"And last time we gave him a caution and said if he was to break the law once more, we will take this matter even further"

"I didn't do anything officer" Ryan said with rage at the tip of his tongue

I could tell that he was innocent, but I've only known him for a week, he could've been lying to me all this time.

"What are you going to do with him?" Paul said fed up and just wanting to get it over and done with.

"Ryan will be put on a tag"

That was it, I couldn't hear anymore. I can't believe they didn't listen to him. Did he do it? Why would he do something like that? I couldn't bear the questions so I ran out. I hopped out of my seat and opened the door closing it roughly behind me. It was probably the worst idea I had ever had but I went to go and look for dad.

* * * *

I went over to the desk that we first encountered as we entered the police station and asked them.

"Excuse me" I said in a somewhat silence.

No one answered me.

"Excuse me" I said a bit louder but fear still talking over me.

No one answered.

"Hey!" I shouted.

This time a man came up to the desk.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Erm yeah" I said but completely forgetting the purpose of my interruption.

"Well what was it?" the man said impatiently.

"Oh right yeah, do you have a Dave Foster in here?"

"I'll check the records"

"Thank you" I said looking down twiddling my thumbs.

A few keyboard taps and mouse clicks later he finally looked at me.

"No I'm sorry, we did but he was released a few days ago"

"Are you sure? Can you check again? Dave Foster."

"I heard you the first time young lady, Dave foster was released on Wednesday but can I ask why you want to know all of this information?"

"He's my dad. Well adopted dad"

"Oh well I'm sorry"

"What for?" I asked

"Nothing don't worry"

"Can you tell me where he is?"

"I'm sorry we can't give out details like that"

"But he's my dad"

"I'm sorry, even if we could, I couldn't tell you where he is, like I said that was two days ago, he could be anywhere by now. If he is your dad - "

"Adopted dad"

"Adopted dad then you know where he lives don't you? Why don't you go to his house, it's more likely he will be there?"

"Okay thank you officer"

"Oh and if anything happens, don't be afraid to call us"

"Will do"

That officer was so stupid, he must have gotten the wrong Dave Foster, if he knew what he did to me, he would never have told me this much. I don't even know why I wanted to see him so much.

Despite thinking of bad things about him, I made my way to dad's house

* * * *

Meanwhile back at the police station, Paul and Ryan had finished and was about to come and find me. The police officer took them home as they had to set up Ryan's tag. The man led them out to the front of the police station where Paul asked the man at the desk if he had seen me.

"Oh her, yeah I saw her, we had a nice little chat"

"Do you know where she went?"

"Yeah she went to go and see her dad, sorry adopted dad"

"And you let her?"

"Yeah why?" the man at the desk asked puzzled.

"Didn't you read why he was sent to prison in the first place?"

"No why?"

"Read it" Paul said quickly

The man read the file with much difficulty and when he realised said "oh dear"

"Yeah oh dear alright"

The officer leading Paul and Ryan stepped in.

"You idiot why would you let that girl go and find her dad?"

"Well he was let out of prison o I thought he was safe"

"When I get back, you're fired"

"Can we stop wasting time, we need to go and find Megan"

The police officer agreed and was on their way to dad's house.

I was almost there, I could see the gates to the front door and I couldn't wait. Though now, I feel a bit sick, what if he hasn't changed? What if he kicks me? What if he hits me?

I knocked on the huge white door and waited for a few seconds. All of a sudden he door flew open and dad soon stood before me, he stared at me with a scrunched up face as if he was going to strangle me. I wanted to run but I felt glued to the floor like someone was holding me down, before I could try to run away, before I could say a word. Dad hugged me.

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