Chapter 1 - The Reason

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I don’t know what happened, one minute I was kicking and screaming and the next I was outside this huge house. At first I had no idea what this house was all I knew was that it was big. I was young at the time so who could blame me for not knowing what was going on. It made it even harder knowing my parents weren’t getting along well.

At that age I didn’t know that all of those words were harsh, now I’m older I now know why mum left. Dad was mean. Very mean.

My mum didn’t deserve all that abuse that she was getting. She used to pick me up and put me to bed but every time she lifted me she always used to wince in pain. I would never know why but I went along with it. It all makes sense now...

That’s why mum screamed every night, that’s why she had scratches on every bit of her body and that’s why she looked terrified when she came home. My dad was an awful man and I got stuck with him…

That big house is where I am now, it’s called Heartlock. It’s a care home for kids like me, whose parents can’t look after them. My story’s not much different to the others here. No one had a great life before this place but my dad played a big part in the reason I am here now.

 It all started with dad’s new house, anyone’s dream I guess. Three floors, 6 bathrooms, 2 kitchens 3 living rooms and endless bedrooms. Too much for a house really but that’s where I lived. The house was great but the only rooms I could go in was my room which didn’t look like the other rooms and the bathroom (only 3 times a day). My room was dull and boring, it looks like the builders got bored with decorating and just stopped half way through. The walls were a grey pastel colour with a damp spot in the corner. There was a lightbulb in the ceiling providing only the tiniest bit of light.         

 I never used it. I used to just keep my curtains open. Even at night the streetlights were a better source of light than that lightbulb, well bulb. The rest of the house was great, it was really modern with high tech gadgets all around such as flat screen TVs and consoles. But he didn’t earn the money to get the house, he stole it…

 I don’t know what scam he pulled off but it was certainly a good one! He gave me £1000 to care for myself, but I never used it because it was stolen money, I didn’t even like the fact it was in my room. I hid it in my sock drawer; it was an envelope full of £5, £10, £20 and £50 notes.

My dad was also very good at lying, that’s how he won me. It was like a raffle game to him and I was one of those stupid prizes that you never really think about ever again after you won it. I didn’t go to court at the time as I was too young so I stayed with dad’s friend, he scares me. Even now.  He has loads of scars over his face and would always have a cigarette in his mouth. By the time dad picked me up I had probably consumed 70% of the cigarette smoke that left his mouth.

Once the court case had ended, the result was that I would stay with dad. Mum had to give everything up and was given a restraining order where she couldn’t have any contact with me or dad. I could never see her again. But at least she’ll be safe from dad I guess.

Dad can be very convincing sometimes, like when he says that he is going shopping when really he goes out to parties and gets wasted and stays out all night and sometimes even for a few days leaving me on my own in the house with no food. I couldn’t reach the tap, only the one in the bathroom. I tried climbing up onto the work surfaces however I was feeble and tired. I didn’t know bathroom water would harm you until I got an infection and dad didn’t know how to deal with it...

I suffered a lot in my childhood but I had no choice. I wish I knew how to use the phone. It would have got this pain over a lot faster. If only I knew about child line…

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Dad wouldn’t let me go to school. He says it’s a waste of time. I was 10 when he first let me go out of the house on my own, and that was to go and get him things from the shop round the corner. He never got his things himself or with his own money… he has too much of it. That’s the problem. He wants to spend his money on Lamborghinis and houses. Dad didn’t like the money mum gave me and made me get him food from it. It would be nicer if I could actually eat the food I buy.

Then something happened. If all of this wasn’t bad enough. I was 14. 15 now.  I had had enough so I ran out the house secretly so he wouldn’t know and ran for it. I didn’t know where I was going to go but I just ran. The thought of the destination didn’t even pass my mind. The only thing I was focusing on was getting away from that terrible man. I hate to even call him my father.

A few minutes later, I had to stop. I had no energy left. I hadn’t eaten in ages. If I kept going. I’m sure I would’ve died. However just then a car started chasing me at a high speed. I could tell who it was just by the car. It was dad. He brought it a few days ago. It was a red sports car with a really loud engine. It kept gaining speed as it approached me. I had to run, I had no choice. I ran so fast, I couldn’t feel my legs, I knew I was dead. Either by dad hitting me or malnourishment maybe even both.

Just as I thought I had got away, he hit me…

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