Chapter 8- The Escape

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We followed the nurse into the room where we saw Ryan lying there still with his leg in a cast.

We waited for the doctors to speak.

“There is good news and bad news. The good news is that Ryan doesn’t have a severe head injury. However he does have a few broken bones. He is going to need to be on crutches and we will keep him here overnight for observation but he should be alright to leave tomorrow.”

“Okay thank you doctor” Paul said

“You can have and adult stay with him here or you can go home and pick him up tomorrow”

“I will stay here with him and I will get Sam to come and get you and take you back home” Paul said to me.

“Please can I stay here with you two?” I pleaded

“I’m sorry, but there is only one space available.” The doctor interrupted.

“Megan, you are going back to the house tonight. No arguing”

“Fine” I replied

“Now stay here whilst I call Sam.”

I stayed in the room looking at Ryan and holding my bandaged up wrist in my hand. If I would have done it all the way earlier, Ryan would never have had to come to the hospital and he never would have got hit by that ambulance. It’s all my fault. I will never be able to forgive myself.

Paul called Sam and 5 minutes later she arrived out the front and I went to meet her.

I got in the car miserably and stayed quiet.

“Because Paul is out tonight, there is a temporary care worker at the house now who is going to help me out tonight. So be nice” Sam warned me.

I stayed there silent with my arms crossed.

“His name is Jack”

“Okay” I said not caring.

We arrived at the house and I got out the car, slammed the door shut and went straight to my room. Jack tried to make convocation with me but I just ignored him and went to my room.

I sat on my bed and contemplated everything that had gone on that day. So much had happened and all I needed was sleep but, I felt like I needed to talk to someone. However, I had no one to talk to; I hadn’t said anything to anyone yet. So I decided I should go and say hi to a few people. I decided to start next door to me. It was late so I didn’t know if people would be up or not but I felt lonely and wanted someone to talk to.

I knocked on the door next to me and no one replied. I knocked harder to see if I would get a reply. I decided to stop because I didn’t want to wake them up and I moved on to the next door down the hallway.

 I knocked on the door and they opened it. It was a girl of about 13 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Hi” she said smiling; Looking happy to meet me at last.

“Hi, I‘m…”

“Megan I know, hi I’m Lucie”

“Hi Lucie, sorry I didn’t say hi to you earlier”

“It’s okay, I understand it’s your first day”

We remained talking at the door until Jack came up the stairs.

“Girls, either go in your room, or go to sleep”

“Okay Jack” Lucie said with loving eyes.

Everyone seemed to love jack. I hated him from the moment I saw him. I still haven’t changed my mind. I deliberately turned my back to him and continued talking to Lucie.

“Look Megan, you’re new here aren’t you so you may not know this, you are allowed to visit friends in the games room downstairs till 10 but after that, you have to be in your rooms, alone”

“And what if I want to stay here and talk to Lucie?” I cleverly asked.

“Then I will have to take you to your room myself” he said laughing and ‘Playing around’ he picked me up and ran to the end of the hall. I was kicking him and punching him. All these memories were flooding back to me. He is like my dad. A young version of my dad. I hated him. I didn’t know what he was going to do with me. I screamed and kicked him. He didn’t let go. He was strong. I then had no chance but to bite him. He finally let go then and I ran to my room crying. He stood there and looked back and forth wondering what he had done wrong.

Once I got to my room, I shut the door and grabbed my backpack. I packed it with a blanket and clothes. I also had a water bottle that one of the social workers gave me when I arrived. I never drank it.

After I had packed it all, I opened my window and threw the back pack out. I then climbed out and used the pipes as steps. Once I got to the ground, I picked up my backpack and ran. Ran really fast and really far. Somewhere I know well. Somewhere no one else knows. Somewhere I love.

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