Chapter 12 - The Window

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I walked out of the wardrobe to see what it was and I looked over at my window to see a twig knocking against my window at a weird angle. The weird thing was, there are no trees outside my room so I didn’t know what it was. I went over to the window and looked left and right and it looks like the twig was coming from the right so I opened my window to get a clearer view and I saw Ryan’s head popping out of next doors window with a twig in his hand.

“Your my neighbour?” I asked

“Yep” he replied

“You scared me, I dint know what the tapping was” I laughed

“Sorry about that, I didn’t know any other way to get your attention I can’t exactly walk”

“Yeah sorry about that” I replied

“It’s not your fault. Well it kind of is but not fully.”

“So what happened? You said it was a long story?”

“It is”

“Well what happened. I’ve got all day”

“You got grounded?” he asked looking a bit annoyed.


“Well I can’t tell you, I’m sorry”

“Why not, it’s not a big deal?” I said.

“Look, it will all become clear in a few days” he said calmly.

“Okay” I replied really wanting an answer.

I was so happy that he was next door to me because it meant that we could speak to each other if we are grounded.

“Why did you come to your room instead of going and speaking to everyone else?”

“Because I knew you were going to be next door to me because Paul was sorting out your room before you came and you were the only new person. Also I knew you were going to get grounded for staying out too late so I thought that I would talk to you because I like talking to you. Some of the other children annoy me. Especially the younger ones like Taylor and Harry. It’s hard to speak to them as well because we aren’t allowed to talk about families in front of them.”

“Aww that’s really kind of you” I blushed yet again

“Anyway, I need to talk to Paul about something. I will knock for you later” he said smiling.

“Okay I hope you get better quickly” I said quickly before he shut his window.

I closed my window and continued unpacking my things.

I hear knocking again but this time it was my door. It was probably one of the care workers as the children weren’t allowed to talk to me when I’m grounded.

They knocked again and this time I answered it. It was Lucie.

“Hi Lucie, look about earlier, I’m really sor…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay thanks” I said to her.

“They told me to tell you that lunch is ready, and are you still going to break into the office?”

“I will do it tonight, I don’t want to drag you into this” I said considerately

“I don’t mind doing something for a friend”

“I just feel bad and I don’t want to use you”

“Thank you Megan”

“No problem” I said

“We should get some lunch” she realised

“Yeah you’re right” so I followed her downstairs to get some food. This was my first proper meal at the house and I was sort of hungry so I ate a bit so they wouldn’t panic.

At lunch Sam came over to me and ungrounded me. When I asked why she said.’ You’ll find out later’ I was confused but I let it go because I was just so happy that I was ungrounded.

We had sandwiches; you could have anything in them. The choice was amazing but I just decided to have bread because I was familiar with it. I sat opposite Ryan again and I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was so nice to me. He was the only one I knew that liked me. But I still needed to know more about him so I could get him something. I have quite a lot of money because when I came here, I got a good share of my dad’s money. To be honest I just wanted to get rid of it because it was bad money so it was my chance to get Ryan something really big. Something he will never forget.

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