Chapter 14 - The 'Date'

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We walked along the road and as we got near the treehouse, we realised that Ryan wouldn't be able to get up and that we should just head straight into town. We had to get the train to go into town and I had brought money with me so I paid for both of us to go. It was about 2.30 so I was thinking of taking him out for a drink. We didn't really talk much on the journey to the train station; it was quiet because we were concentrating on where the train station actually was.

Once we found it, I pushed him up to the man at the box and asked for 2 children's tickets to Westfield. It was about £5 each so I handed the man the money and I wheeled Ryan straight on the train. We were waiting for about 10 minutes while the last people were getting on and we started talking properly for the first time since we left.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him on a big breath.

"I'm feeling good, how are you?" he asked with a smirk.

"No I meant how is your leg? I giggled

"It's good"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry about that "

"I just want to make sure you're okay that's all"

Then the train doors closed and it started.

"WAIT" Ryan said in a panic

"What?" I replied worried.

"I don't have any money!" he said still looking worried.

"Don't worry, I have some"

"but I can't get you to pay for me, I hadn't even realised that you paid for my train ticket"

"Don't worry, I wanted to pay"

"well what are we going to do?"

"we can grab a drink and walk ar..."

He looked at me blankly.

"sorry I didn't mean it like that"

"it's okay"

"it will be fine, I promise."

After 30 minutes of Ryan panicking that he has no money we arrived at Stratford. I'd never been to Westfield before, but Ryan has so I was relying on him to give me directions on where to go.

"it's just round the corner and over the bridge" he said pointing.

As we made our way across the corner, we realised that there were stairs. Many stairs. There was a big muscly security man standing just at the bottom of the stairs so we went over to him and asked for help.

"Excuse me, can you help my friend get up these stairs"

He didn't say a word and just pointed to the 'wheelchair' ramp. We both looked so stupid and I felt really embarrassed but we did it. We walked/wheeled, over the bridge and were at the entrance to the shopping centre. It was huge. It had three floors. I've never been to one before and it was amazing. The only shops I have ever been to, was the small corner shop to but things for dad.

I pushed Ryan in and I could see the amazement on his face as we entered.

"Haven't been here in a while in guessing then?"

"no" he said in amazement

I laughed and asked him where the food and drinks were.

"I can't remember, I haven't been here in ages, I think they're upstairs though"

There were lots of escalators around but we couldn't use them. I tried to find the lifts. They were near the toilets that were down little corridors away from the shops. As we got into the lift, I pressed the button that said "2" on and we went up. There were many buttons, all the way up to "5" I don't know why 5 was there, and It didn't look that tall to have 5 floors on. There was also one that said "B" and "U" I don't know what they stood for so I didn't touch them. We were in the lift on our own so we continued talking about where we were going to go. I had heard of Starbucks before but never tried it before. Ryan was a huge fan so we were going to go there. The lift beeped and the doors opened. I got behind the wheelchair and grabbed hold of the handles and pushed him through the open doors into the new space full of cafes, restaurants and fast food places. There was so many: McDonalds, KFC (which I though stood for 'King For Cakes' but Ryan advised me that it stood for 'Kentucky Fried Chicken'), bubbleology, caffe Nero, Costa coffee, Greggs, Nandos, pizza express and loads more.

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